With all due respect to the men and women, their families, friends - TopicsExpress


With all due respect to the men and women, their families, friends and fellow Canadians who have perished in these disturbing events. How can we possibly believe more acts of war will keep us safe? An eye for an eye will make the whole world American(British essentially) eventually. How many innocent lives will this pricess cost... how many has it already cost? Why are we whipping out 6 CF-18 to flog around the world rather than sending ground troops to help bring innocent human lives to safety if we must join war? Ask your family, friends, co-workers most importantly tell your M.P. Are we really going to war for homeland security or to simply show of our military power? Last question, likely most important. If this truly is war, why not capture these men(yesterday and earlier this week) as prisoners of war... would they not be more useful to us alive than dead? Correct me if I am wrong that the choice to shoot to kill is made in training not on the battlefield. Could it have been possible to restrain the first man who just crashed a car and possessed a knife? Or the lone shooter inside the parliament building? Dont get me wrong, the choice may not have been available... but it is a question worth asking. If you are offended by questions please help me understand why.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 14:53:36 +0000

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