With all of the people coming out of the church, many are running - TopicsExpress


With all of the people coming out of the church, many are running to the synagogues and the rabbis that run them and are becoming even more lost. If we look back to the time of Immanu El as He walked the earth, we can see two dynamics at play. We had the priesthood performing Torah based services in the temple and then we had the Prushim who were trying to be priests on their own and who directed people to their synagogues. Problem with the situation then, is that people werent walking out the Shma. They werent teaching the commands diligently to their children, they werent evangelizing by speaking of the commands wherever they went, they were bringing their kids to the synagogues and bringing others there too. Masses of people were forsaking the family Scripture studies in exchange for teaching from the Scribes and the Pharisees. The father was no longer the spiritual leader of their household, the head rabbis of the synagogues were. We see the same situation today! We see people dragging themselves, their kids and their friends to church or synagogue in order to learn Scripture when in fact, they should be at home, resting, praying and studying as well as discussing the Torah. They put their kids into the sunday school and the other youth oriented indoctrination programs but fail to teach them, themselves. These same people are forsaking the temple service and the High Priest Immanu El, for the teachings of men and women in the buildings of the modern Pharisees. There is nothing new under the sun. Immanu El was so mad at the merchants in the temple courtyard, that He whipped them with a whip and kicked their tables over. WHY? Because they were corrupting the sacrificial system that YHVH had established. They were selling livestock for slaughter so that the people attending wouldnt have to part with one of their prized animals. The sacrifice was no longer from the heart and the people were no longer giving YHVH the best that they had to give. They were buying inferior and many times, flawed animals for sacrifice, too! The whole system was corrupt but there was a remnant and that is who Immanu El was searching for. Yochanan was the son of a temple priest, not of a Parush. YHVH designed it that way, He bred contempt into the heart of Yochanan for the Prushim because He was anointed with the Ruach. His eyes were opened to the fruits of the Prushim and he called them out on it. Matthew 3:7-11. 7 But when Yochanan saw many of the Prushim and Tzdukim coming to be immersed by him, he said to them, You snakes! Who warned you to escape the coming punishment? 8 If you have really turned from your sins to God, produce fruit that will prove it! 9 And dont suppose you can comfort yourselves by saying, `Avraham is our father! For I tell you that God can raise up for Avraham sons from these stones! 10 Already the axe is at the root of the trees, ready to strike; every tree that doesnt produce good fruit will be chopped down and thrown in the fire! 11 Its true that I am immersing you in water so that you might turn from sin to God; but the one coming after me is more powerful than I -- Im not worthy even to carry his sandals -- and he will immerse you in the Ruach HaKodesh and in fire. Once again, today is no different, we have people who have received a TRUE anointing, who can see the rotten fruits of the modern Prushim: pastors, rabbis, leaders of movements, etc, and we speak out against them, just the same way Yochanan and Immanu El did. The anointing that we were given, allows us to understand the Torah and to discern between fruit of the Spirit and fruit of the serpent. When we speak out against the rotten fruit that we witness, it isnt to demean or to hurt anybody, it is to try to open their eyes to the fact that they are on their way to the lake of fire. It may be perceived as mean and hurtful but that is only because Immanu El is trying to convict your heart and to entice you to turn away from such things that could land you in the lake of fire. When you communicate with the anointed, it isnt the people you are speaking to, it is the Messiah Himself who is speaking to you THROUGH His anointed. So when you try to argue against one of the anointed and you bring no contextual Scriptural basis for your claims, you are in fact trying to show that you are smarter than the Messiah Himself. Without Scripture in context to back your words, you will always be revealed as a fool, because there is absolutely no way that you could ever argue against Scripture in context and be right! I have found this to be true time and again, especially during this dark and evil time of year. People take Scripture out of context and then try to justify their worship of satan with chanukkah and x-mas. I recorded two messages dealing with chanukkah and if you want me to go toe to toe with you and your opinions and feelings regarding chanukkah, I will only post the messages because I have said all that I need to say about the subject. The same goes for x-mas, too. But with that aside, nobody has ever made a solid and Scripturally contextual argument in support of such things. They always bring logic and feelings into it, but nary a word of contextual Scripture. This is the same thing that the Messiah encountered all of the time when dealing with the Prushim! They argued their doctrines and logic against the truth of Scripture and they always were left looking like the fools that they were. In a way, Immanu El is STILL dealing with the Prushim, only He is using His anointed to do so. We have fake priests who are pretending to be temple priests, we have fake apostles who are pretending to emulate the real ones and we even have some who believe that they are little gods, NONE of them are anointed with the Spirit of YHVH and NONE of them even know what righteousness is, but ALL of them are Prushim. We can tell who is anointed and who isnt, because we have been given the eyes to see. We know what bad fruit is, because 1. We used to produce it and 2. Because we know Torah intimately and finally 3. Because we have the anointing. So many people run around and claim anointing but their fruits convict them of being liars. They are the same ones who look at the anointed and they call us evil, wicked, mean and whatever label that strikes their fancy at the time. When they do this, they blaspheme against the Ruach and for that there is no forgiveness as long as they continue to do so. Mark 3:28-30. 28 Yes! I tell you that people will be forgiven all sins and whatever blasphemies they utter; 29 however, someone who blasphemes against Ruach HaKodesh never has forgiveness but is guilty of an eternal sin. 30 For they had been saying, He has an unclean spirit in him. Isaiah 5:20. Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who change darkness into light and light into darkness, who change bitter into sweet and sweet into bitter! Which side are you on? Are you a child of the High Priest? Or are you the child of the Prushim? Dont answer this for me because your fruits speak volumes. Thanks for reading. Shaul
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 07:24:34 +0000

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