With all of the racial issues being brought to surface, I decided - TopicsExpress


With all of the racial issues being brought to surface, I decided to do searches on the internet in reference to everything out there... I looked up youtube videos on various races discusses the issues. Tyra Banks had mixed races on her show discuss how they felt about race issues. A lot of their issues had to do with the environment that they grew up in. Some were half Hispanic/ half black... Some half black/ half white and the list goes on.. They discussed how society from all races have treated them. Tyra Banks even discussed how society treated the American Indians and other races in Hollywood. How they treated mixed races. I also pulled up youtube to watch these discussions. I watched videos posted by black comedians discussing how they were treated. I watched videos where black Americans were talking about how other races treated them and how they felt about their own races behaviors. Some were even embarrassed with how some behaved. I also did a search on how white Americans feel about how other races treat them and how they are also embarrassed as to how others in their race treat people of a different race. I watched videos of blank men saying that they did not want interracial mixing because they wanted their child to look like them. I watched videos on black men talking about Brazil and how they are treated differently there. I tried to understand why there is so much anger and hate... When I never really noticed it before. I also watched videos discussing how some black Americans do not trust doing business with other black Americans because of trust issues. But I also know that many have learned to blend... To mesh and work together... There are many friendships... Between many races. There is a trust... But all that we see on tv, in the media is the divide, the tension, the negative... I have been thinking about how to resolve our issues. I know that the blank population who was worked hard to take the opportunities that are made available and go to school, who get a job, take care of their family, who move to nicer neighborhoods (where they feel safe), etc... They have broken free from their background to have a better life. They have adapted and have meshed with society. They have manners, are pleasant and happy with their progress. There is so much information on the internet. There is negative and positive viewpoints. We all have our own personal experiences. How we let those experiences affect us personally is up to us... I just hope that in time, many will be able to overcome the issues and adapt to society and have a happy Iife. Until we see have everyone is affected by these issues to truly understand... We will continue to feel the impact of the situation. I just hope that everyone decides to not be part of the problem, but to become the solution... A peaceful calm.. To look at all aspects of the issue and know that all parties are guilty of the issues... And how to make sure that each of us does not contribute to the issue.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 07:59:46 +0000

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