With all the issues lately concerning police problems, resisting - TopicsExpress


With all the issues lately concerning police problems, resisting arrest, and the perceived idea that race is the commanding issue, Ive been thinking about my own life, upbringing and perspective. I realized Ive got such a personal disconnect to the things that have occurred and all the anger and backlash. So, heres why: 1.) I was always taught to respect authority, trust those in authority to a large degree, and realize that God will deal with them ever so sharply if they abuse their power...that its NOT my place to bring down the establishment. And even if I were to lead a rebellion, it would not begin in the heat of a confrontation, but in the quietness of contemplation. I respect cops, my responses are yes sir, no sir. I realize they are carrying out enforcement of laws, not the passage of laws. If they mess up...it will do me no good to battle them in the moment. 2.) I was taught very clearly that every race, tribe, tongue, ability, LIFE is valuable to the Maker! I was not to fear anyone, nor bow down in worship to anyone, nor act like I was over anyone based on differences. My parents were examples in this, not just in telling me what NOT to do, but in showing me what TO do. 3.) My life and my door became open. I befriended international students at college, and some even stayed with my family during breaks. I listened to their struggles and fears, and their joys and dreams. One good friend, from Ghana became a great friend and somewhat of a mentor to me, and was eventually the best man in my wedding. Since getting married my wife and I have hosted foreigners in our home for months at a time. Latin baseball players from several countries, and an exchange student from Brazil. Ive been overseas to 2 foreign countries to serve completely different people in missions work for the cause of Jesus Christ. Not only have I received good teaching as a child...Ive been flexing that muscle in relationships and hospitality for years. I can honestly, say, not in boasting, that I do not struggle with racism, nor discrimination in a blatant form. I know I have blind spots in my perspective still, but by and large, Im not afraid or deterred from welcoming people who are different. So, my message concerning these events that have transpired, my 2-cents, is parallel to Biblical Christianity and to the good upbringing I had consistent with it. 1.) You cant resist arrest! Romans 13 makes it clear. Authorities have a very difficult job, especially police who are only enforcers, not lawmakers. They dont bear the sword for nothing. This is a truth...not an option...not a principle that regards how you or I feel about it. Its an absolute, straight from God through the Apostle Paul. Jesus went to the cross and never seized His position of authority as He went there. He did not resist arrest! He rose from the dead! Later...He will deal justice to everyone, eternal justice, and Hes qualified in every way to do so. 2.) Racism and other forms of discrimination are very natural. The only way the heart is turned away from it is through Christ. If we are a product of evolution, then racism and discrimination is completely justified. But were not, and its not! Holy God will hold us responsible for His commands. He will also have no tolerance for reverse racism (i.e. bitterness). We are naturally bent toward sin. I dont agree with the idea that racism has to be taught to someone. Well pick it up naturally out of a natural, darkened heart. What has to be taught, is unconditional, sacrificial love, thats the only thing that overcomes racism and other discrimination. 3.) The problems we have today are spiritual problems. They cant be solved by education, or cultural immersion, or tolerance. If we dont first realize WHO is in supreme authority (GOD), and that He has placed authorities in the world, and how/why they are placed, well never have peace, reconciliation, or righteousness. Also, we must learn perfect love from Christ alone. He was the one who extended salvation, not only to the Jews, but also to the Gentiles. This is a HUGE deal. He was good to even the Samaritans! Read, research and realize that Jesus was not the least bit racist! He loved all, and not even the bitterness or poor attitude of others kept Him from persevering in His love. Firm, truth-telling, love! Not a fake nor impure love. Jesus Christ is the solution. Hes the answer. If you dont like that, sorry I cant apologize. But sit by and watch the world as it comes apart all around us...and it will. I can only tell you this, personally, I love the people of this world! I love every last one of them. I know that some will never turn to Christ, will never relent in doing evil. I know some will be sentimental and wishy-washy forever and make no commitment to great faith in Christ. I wish all would. But skin color and culture certainly dont keep me from loving all. I also know Im not perfect in this yet, and I dont always express love right nor completely. If any of you find this to be a noble thought, a good position, then take note: IT ONLY COMES FROM JESUS. THERES NO OTHER WAY. Please dont tell me youre against racism, nor that youre against resisting arrest, and yet that you have no use for Jesus. Hes supreme in these things, as He is in all things.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 06:24:00 +0000

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