With all the losses weve had the past few months, I wanted to - TopicsExpress


With all the losses weve had the past few months, I wanted to share something that happened to me this morning. I had a dream of my dear, sweet dog, Whitney, a black and tan piebald miniature dachshund, who died in 2010 at 15 years, 4 months. She was my first dog to train to show in obedience, agility, earthdog, tracking, and dachshund field trials. I had wanted to show a dog in obedience since I was a kid, and I was 39 when I got her, so I tried everything with her, which also helped me through my divorce. She was a really smart dog, and she earned a lot of titles. I still have her daughter, Kira, who will be 17 this month. Kes, the one I had to euthanize in December, was her other daughter, and the one that I trained and showed the second most. Whitney was such a character, and so expressive. I could take her anywhere. She didnt mind people or dogs and would let kids pick her up any way they wanted. I cant remember her being in one of my dreams before. It was one of those dreams that seemed very real. I was helping a man look for a lost child. At one point, I was looking out the window and there was an approaching thunderstorm with extremely dark, angry clouds, while the sun was going down behind me so it was lighting up the trees, etc. underneath the dark clouds. I saw Kira in the building that we were in, and then I saw Whitney running around. I saw her again a few minutes later, as she looked like she was hunting around. Ive been telling people Kira is the oldest dog Ive ever had, but then it dawned on me that Kira wasnt the oldest because Whitney was 2 years older, which would have made her 19 years old! I was thinking she was looking really good for 19 because she looked and moved like she was maybe 8 years old. I was younger in the dream too, maybe in my 40s. The funniest thing about the dream was that the man I was helping was Daniel Craig (the actor)! While it was nice to have Daniel Craig in a dream, it was even better to see Whitney again, especially with her looking young and healthy, instead of how she spent her last year with dementia. Its put a smile on my face today everytime Ive thought of Whitney. Even though it was just a dream, it was so good to see her again. I hope everyone whos lost a pet will also have that chance while youre here on earth. Piper, my ME dog, is Whitneys great granddaughter. Heres a photo of Whitney in her prime at an agility trial.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Feb 2014 22:13:07 +0000

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