With all the posts about 9/11 it got me to thinking to that day - TopicsExpress


With all the posts about 9/11 it got me to thinking to that day and time. It was a terribly scary and dreadful time. The fact many perished during such a tragedy was so beyond my perception of thought . A lot of things changed after that day. Many homes adorned a flag or several flags after the events, patriotism went from an extreme low to an all time high. All of a sudden the enemy of the U.S. Had a face, a religion, a race , a country and a name terrorist Muslim Taliban and so on. What brought on the attacks is still up in the air for me and we may never truly know what caused it and we dont know that something like that wont happened again. When things like this happen people get very emotional their emotions drive them into rage, misunderstanding and they make blanket statements about certain groups, races, religions, and so on. When things like this happen people turn to their world leaders and their military groups to solve these issues and put their full faith in earthly kingdoms operated by imperfect humans with their own thoughts, concerns, and agendas. Many folks still believe that we should simply nuke their whole country off the map. Is this the answer? Fix violence with more violence? Wipe up innocent blood with more blood? If you are a Christian, where is your kingdom? Where is your leader? How do you feel about certain groups or peoples when things like this occur? Being an imperfect human likely you feel like if you came across a so called terrorist threat youd fight tooth and nail to be victorious over them, such as the worldly society would have you think and believe. The real question is how does God feel about this and our actions and thoughts when it comes to this? After all he has the highest authority. I can assure you from the smallest crimes of blood shed ,violence to petty theft, justice will be served in the great day of Jehovahs judgement on the entire inhabited earth. Isaiah 61:8 For I, Jehovah, love justice;I hate robbery and unrighteousness. That surely shows that God doesnt simply over look acts of violence and unrighteous behavior. Some may say that waiting on Gods judgement will simply take too long from a human standpoint, that we should turn to the government and let them handle it. Dont be mislead, humans do not have the answer or the authority to execute perfect justice like Jehovah and Jesus. As a matter of fact the bible mentions, rather warns us about putting our trust in humans. Psalm 146:3-Do not put your trust in princes Nor in a son of man, who cannot bring salvation. Wars that involve ‘nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom’ were foretold by Jesus Christ. However, they are just one aspect of ‘the sign of Christ’s presence and of the conclusion of the system of things.’ In this great prophecy, Jesus also mentioned famines, pestilences, and earthquakes. (Matthew 24:3, 7, 8; Luke 21:6, 7, 10, 11) In many respects, such calamities have increased in scope and severity. The badness of man is abundant, as seen in his attitude toward God and fellowman. Moral breakdown and increase in crime and violence are evident. Men have become lovers of money rather than lovers of God, obsessed with pleasure. All this testifies that we are living in “critical times.”—2 Timothy 3:1-5. So please weed out any hate or misguided thoughts you may have, pursue in prayer to the creator and turn away from wrath, malicious speech and bad thoughts. We are all creations of the most high and we need to stop and love even when loving seems like the hardest thing to do at that time. Do not rely on your own understanding. Put your trust, confidence and faith in Gods Messianic Kingdom! Its the only kingdom that will extinguish the violence and destruction that is being brought on by evil doers and wicked ones across the earth. Psalm 37:10-Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more;You will look at where they were,And they will not be there. So please stay alert, keep watchful but most of all keep loving. Love your God, love His Son, love their kingdom and love fellow man ( even the seemingly bad or wicked ones) Love is the only thing that will see us through ! 1 Peter 4:8- Above all things, have intense love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins. Speaking of love also : 1 Corinthians 13:7-It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. I hope this bit of truth helps some of you that may be troubled and hurt at this bleak time that we live in. There is hope and there is refreshment, it is promised and it will happen!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 15:43:55 +0000

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