With all the recent debate this week on the presidents words about - TopicsExpress


With all the recent debate this week on the presidents words about stay at home moms I wanted to take a minute to add my personal opinion. #1 Yes it was, in my opinion, taken slightly out of context. He wasnt speaking on the stay at home vs working debate. He was talking about the need for public preschools that offer excellent programs. etc etc. His error was in saying that some moms are forced to choose to stay home (as if it is a punishment) and that leaves her earning a lower wage for the rest of her life (a bit melodramatic dont you think since many stay at home moms take online college courses and when their children are raised they go back to the workforce with a degree, just one of may examples) He referred to the sacrifice of staying at home and making less money or no money as a choice we dont want for Americans and there is where my issue lies. Why does the almighty dollar and the American Dream of MORE MORE MORE become what our lives must be about. Our family made the choice of sacrifice 16 years ago. A choice that as a free woman living in a free country I had the right to make. I wasnt forced into it, I willingly made staying at home a priority. Children are only little for a very short amount of time, time spent nurturing the next generation of movers and shakers is NOT a punishment and its not been time wasted. We have given up a lot along the way, at times that meant a second vehicle or extravagant yearly vacations and while along the way it means we gave up A LOT of material things we gained much more in the process. The choice to be with my children as they grow up is not one I view as a sacrifice, its been a privilege (one that Im beyond thankful for as there are many moms who would love to have that option but simply can not). Im not trying to debate which path (career or stay at home) is more honorable. Im simply commenting that as Americans we have the right (for now at least) to make choices with our own lives, whether or not the government thinks its the most profitable choice. And that most of all we dont have to follow the mindless views of those who are in office simply because they stand on a podium and spout them out as if they were right. As Americans we should have the backbone enough to follow the path God has set for our lives, not what man thinks is best. On that long note, go out and exercise your right as an American and vote on those who will be in office. And have a beautiful Tuesday and honor God wherever you are, at home or work!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 14:10:31 +0000

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