With all the research in religion, general research, - TopicsExpress


With all the research in religion, general research, inconsistencies, trials,etc. Alot of learning going on for me and alot of people as usual. Its good to know Im still human. It almost drove me batty. I love TN, but I do miss living in CA. Thanks for being realistic. This is some testimony that I gave in person recently. Still getting my contacts in order, as I value all relationships and know alot of people. Youre loved. Peace Ive noticed that through my experiences in Tennessee, Long Beach, CA, Kern County, as well as some other places, I have grown to understand better Gods presence in my life and our families. Learning from life, a higher power, and wonderful people intelligently has proven to be quite pioneering in my receptivity to knowledge and faith, as well as others receptivity, faith, clarity, and charity. The counsel and adherence to life building sustain and preservation has allowed me to progress, develop, educate, and understand so much more of what it was like in history, times previous, and especially the present, naturally. This has turned out to be one of the gifts in life I appreciate, previous to my involvement with the Church and especially after, more than I ever expected. The opportunity to research and be considered for missionary service brought great joy to my life and others. The reassurance and opportunities to make personal refinements and be more conscious have been well received, and has not been taken for granted. These feelings of thankfulness have corresponded to life with my family, immediate and extended, schoolmates, friends, and neighbors as well. With exceedingly great joy, and I in improved health, wish to thank Heavenly Father, the knowledge, and all of you all for being consciences of circumstances, healing, and for regard of service with equality in reference to lifetime members, converts, and any other human beings from families. Thank you for giving me the opportunities to express these things here now, as well as elsewhere in life. I will now also share some testimony regarding people, experiences, I, and many others appreciate. Those people include Bishop Hollaway, Bishop Fersch, Elders Bill Wilson, Bob Weagan, and many other friends in Long Beach, CA where I lived for 6 or 7 years. Also, the folks in Kern County, CA and Bakersfield, CA including Bishop McArthur, Elders Furlow, and Wilson among other folks and locals. They provided guidance and were genuinely responsive, even if it was just to hang out and have someone to talk to while I was helping folks and sorting things out, and healing. The same here in Tennessee. Ive experienced genuine receptivity from Mr. and Mrs. Hassler and many other from this area. My mother and I both have been gifted with warm welcomes and memories shared. These people include Pastor Greg Smart, Dickie White, Jimmie and Charles Moody, Steve Haston, his sister, who is my grandmother, the late Cleta Rhea White, and grandfather, the late Lewis White, and Bill White. A special thanks to Bill Smith and Jean (White) Smith for being awesome and helpful people and for picking my mom up from the airport. Also, much guidance and mutual appreciation from others in the families such as my grandparents, the late William Leonard Devine and Georgine Vivian Taylor Devine of CA whom taught me about important things in life and family, Reverend Michael Leonard Devine and his wife currently in Georgia, William Mathew Devine and family in Bakersfield, CA, among others, including Dolores Jean Devine and many other aunts, uncles, and cousins, including Jim Pence, Evelyn Taylor Cash Pence of Kern County, CA, and many others too extensive too mention here now in this expression. Also, a very special thanks to the community of Pikeville, TN, my mother Roberta Elaine Devine for taking time to visit Tennessee with me, Dwayne A. White, and also Patrick Raymond of San Luis Obispo County, CA. These are just some of the people that helped strengthen my testimony of the brilliance of the human spirit in Him, myself, and all of us. I am also thankful for numerous other family members, friends, and neighbors throughout the country for being kind, strong, realistic, educated, benevolent, and hardcore peace. I appreciated being challenged in the ways of different disciplines, and also in the nature of service in so many dynamic ways. This has produced great results in life, for knowledge, for sharing, for the pioneering of the preservation of human spirit, and for the preservation of what is truly important. Very reassuring, confirming, and affirming things, as well as God and his people brought me closer to a higher power in myself and world around me, which strengthened me so that we are reminded of the preservation of quality of life, healthy communication, and belief. Family history researchers, various other religious, non-religious groups, as well as many others, have been well endowed with the brilliance of the human spirit and a higher power through knowing struggles in life, experiences, gifts, blessings, and a higher power. Ive grown to appreciate all those I have met along the way, and in recent years. I am certainly pleased and inspired by the diverse and numerous amounts of people with so many skills, talents, and disciplines. Ive always appreciated the simplicity and importance of the genuine kindness and strength of everyday people in our communities, across the nation, and internationally. Naturally, I have been able to experience pure joy, even through the challenges amidst developments and progress concerning marriage laws, health and wellness developments, improvements in our systems, family history research, on-going or perpetual education, including enlightenments of truth, knowledge, secure possibilities in the ever growing and realistic fields of everything from agriculture, gardening, sciences, technology, inspiring folks with musical abilities, talents, and gifts that theyve developed within themselves, to a growing respect for sensible and honest business people, and service men and women. Thanks be for mercy, forgiveness, self control, salvation, enlightenment, health, security, longevity, and opportunity. I wish love and respect to no end and peace inside and out. Thanks are to the head of the Church of JC of LDS, that is Jesus, who lived long, long ago, but is still with us in spirit for sure, as well as many others. I am not a government, Im a human being, a human being from a family. Im not a Doctor, Lawyer, or History Professor, but I understand their passion. I am not a Police Officer, or Fire Marshall, but I understand their passion. Im not a Field Commander, Drill Sergeant, or, Jet Pilot, but I understand their passion. Im not a pro football, basketball, baseball, tennis, hockey player, or ultimate fighter, but I understand their passion. Im not a super famous rock star or ultra popular celebrity all over the media, but I understand their passion. I am not a President, but I understand their passion. Thank you humbly and graciously. Stand by what keeps you strong. God is gracious and people rocketh.lol Stay realistic Ruah!!(Hebrew for breath and spirit) -Shane W. White Additional family history note: My late great grandmothers name on my mothers side is Mildred (Feliz) Knight Taylor Black...(Maiden in parenthesis Spanish-Chumash) My primary dynamics consist of Irish, Dutch, Spanish, Cherokee, and Chumash.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 20:41:59 +0000

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