With all the things I have been doing I was thinking I was being - TopicsExpress


With all the things I have been doing I was thinking I was being stretched a little thin. The words stretching and thin made me think of Salt Water Taffy. Have you ever watched taffy being made? The ingredients (mostly sugar) are heated up in a copper pot, cooled on marble slabs, and then stretched repeatedly. Just when it is about to break apart from being stretched it is folded over on itself and stretched again repeatedly. I’ve decided God has made me into taffy; sweat, sticky, stretchy taffy. The Holy Spirit will get me all heated and boiling over, mixing all the proper ingredients together of prayer, scripture, and then more prayer and scripture, refining the mix to give me a message. Then I get tossed on a slab to cool down a little because it is all just too hot to handle right away. Then I get to do God’s work, talking to people, preaching, reaching out, evangelizing, and with each of these I get pulled a little thinner. Just when I think I cannot do any more and I am going to break God folds me back over onto myself by giving me more strength so I can keep doing it some more. God’s call may stretch you as thin as taffy but He is always there to give you more strength when you ask for it. I like being Sweet Salt Water Taffy, being refined, pulled thin, and then rebuilt. Who wouldn’t want to be God’s candy?
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 02:57:43 +0000

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