With classes starting up for the semester, I lost track of time - TopicsExpress


With classes starting up for the semester, I lost track of time and didnt post stuff like I wanted to. Sorry! Heres a little bit more to make up for it! :D RACES OF TETHRA Aquarian Aquarians are a people of the sea. After centuries under water, they evolved lungs and took to the tops of the waves on grand vessels. Always staunch defenders of the sea, Aquarians mostly follow a code their own and strike down all who go against it. Some though strike against anyone who sails the seas, looting and sinking any ship not their own. Aquarians have webbed ears and non functional gills on their cheeks. Their skin tone is a shade of blue. Genetics: Maximum Stamina: 7 Maximum Intellect: 13 Maximum Hide: N/A Racial Costume: All Aquarians must have webbed ears, skin a shade of blue, and painted gills on the cheeks. Cultural Distinctions: Different shades of blue indicate different cultures. Dwarf Dwarves are stout and proud denizens of the mountains. They live in a caste system, where one’s beard length determines their place in society. The miners of the realm, Dwarves often live lives of privledge and wealth when they aren’t digging into the ground for riches. Most of this wealth is gained through the use of their forges and Master Blacksmiths. Nothing beats a day of digging and a night of drinking for a Dwarf, though. Genetics: Maximum Stamina: 10 Maximum Intellect: 10 Maximum Hide: N/A Racial Costume: All Dwarves must have a beard, including females. Cultural Distinctions: Length of the beard denotes place in society, with longer beards being higher. Elf, Moon Moon Elves built their society around the worship of the moon and the hunt. Most live in the forests of the world and value traditional practices. Respect for nature is at the center of their values, and many a poacher has found himself at the wrong end of an arrow. Moon Elves are a peaceful race overall however, and quite a few travel the world spreading good will to all. Genetics: Maximum Stamina: 7 Maximum Intellect: 13 Maximum Hide: N/A Racial Costume: All Moon elves must have pointed ears and facial tattoos of blue, purple, or black. Cultural Distinctions: Different color tattoos denote different clans of elves. Elf, Sun Millennia ago, the elves waged a civil war over the worship of celestial bodies. One group worshiped the sun while the other worshiped the moon. The side that lost were banished from the forests and became known as the Sun Elves. They now live opulent lives blessed with magical amenities. The Sun Elves place a great value on knowledge and the arcane arts, but are no stranger to martial combat either. Genetics: Maximum Stamina: 6 Maximum Intellect: 14 Maximum Hide: N/A Racial Costume: All Sun Elves must have pointed ears and facial tattoos of red, yellow, or silver. Cultural Distinctions: Different color tattoos denote different clans of elves. Goblin Nothing rings more true to a Goblin that the phrase “Time is Money”. Always looking to turn a profit no matter the moral repercussions, Goblins have been known to create some of the most fantastic inventions across the world, their most widely used and thus most famous being the B.A.N.K. (Best Auctioneer N’ Keeper). Always tackling a problem with an outside the box approach, these mizers are sure to keep you guessing as to what’s going to happen next. Genetics: Maximum Stamina: 6 Maximum Intellect: 14 Maximum Hide: N/A Racial Costume: All Goblins must have green skin with dark green spots and a pointed nose. Pointed ears are optional. Cultural Distinctions: None. Human The most prominent race on Tethra, Humans are found in all walks of life. Wanting to see it all and learn everything there is to know, Humans can be found in nearly any climate or condition. They also have many cultures and ideologies. Genetics: Maximum Stamina: 8 Maximum Intellect: 12 Maximum Hide: N/A Racial Costume: None. Cultural Distinctions: Different cultures wear different traditional garb and have different accents. Minotaur Minotaur are a proud race of people that live in harmony with nature. Serving as nature’s protectors, they are often found as Druids or Shamans. Minotaur are known to be honest and trustworthy, but there are always a few exceptions to the rule. Genetics: Maximum Stamina: 11 Maximum Intellect: 9 Maximum Hide: 2 Racial Costume: Minotaurs have brown skin with optional patterns of white and black and 2 horns protruding from their heads. Hooves are optional. Cultural Distinctions: Different patterns of fur denote different tribes of Minotaurs. Orc Blood and glory are what the Orcs live for. To die in battle after fighting to the bitter end is the greatest honor to an Orc. Short of that, emerging victorious from an arena holds nearly as much weight. War is what they are bred for, and war is what they crave. Rarely do they allow outsiders into their homes, but through the blessing of an Elder, others can become “Blood Brothers” or “Blood Sisters”. These people are seen as equals amongst the Orc tribes and are given the utmost respect. Genetics: Maximum Stamina: 10 Maximum Intellect: 10 Maximum Hide: N/A Racial Costume: Orcs have green skin. Fangs are optional. Cultural Distinctions: Different clans of Orcs sometimes tattoo red symbols on their bodies. Realized The Realized are the youngest race of Tethra, born from different animal races being over exposed to mana. Over time, these beings began to develop new bodies that stood on two legs and minds that could perform complex tasks. Now after centuries of development, the Realized are capable of all things the other races are. The only difference is that the thrill of the hunt still strongly flows through their veins. Genetics: Maximum Stamina: 9 Maximum Intellect: 11 Maximum Hide: 1 Racial Costume: Realized have appropriately detailed skin representing the animal of choice, as well as a tail if appropriate to the species. Cultural Distinctions: Different cultures of Realized are separated by species of animal. Sylvan The Sylvan were born from the trees. During the Civil War between the Elves, the Moon Elves conducted experiments with the goal of creating new soldiers for their cause. They succeeded in the Sylvan, and the war was won through their efforts. Since then, the Sylvan have continued to evolve, now showing little sign of their deciduous origins. Genetics: Maximum Stamina: 5 Maximum Intellect: 15 Maximum Hide: 2 Racial Costume: Sylvan have leaves in their hair and green around their eyes. Vines on limbs are optional. Cultural Distinctions: None. Troll The Trolls are quite possibly the most in touch with the elements of all the races. Since the early days of recorded history, Shamans have led the Trolls toward enlightenment. Often misunderstood and shunned for their methods, they kept to themselves and lived a nomadic lifestyle for generations. Often times, when a dirty deed needed be done quietly, it was a Troll who was called upon to perform. Genetics: Maximum Stamina: 9 Maximum Intellect: 11 Maximum Hide: N/A Racial Costume: Trolls have blue skin and tusks protruding from their mouths. Cultural Distinctions: Different tribes of trolls have different shades of blue skin. Undying Mana has an odd way of affecting all things, even the dead. During the Civil War of the Elves, the Sun Elves attacked the capital city of the Moon Elves with an experimental mana bomb. The effects are still felt today through the Undying. Any corpse that remains in that city’s ruins for long enough is reanimated not as an undead being, but as something more. While appearing undead to a degree, the Undying are very much alive and cursed to never die of old age. Genetics: Maximum Stamina: 8 Maximum Intellect: 12 Maximum Hide: N/A Racial Costume: Undying have black around their eyes and a slightly pale complexion in addition to the costume requirements of their base race. Cultural Distinctions: None. With this, you can start to plan a character! Hopefully soon Ill have a rulebook mostly done for you to enjoy. ^^
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 03:59:10 +0000

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