With complete dedication and focus, Anthony William Medical Medium - TopicsExpress


With complete dedication and focus, Anthony William Medical Medium not only has the ability to help clients heal on a physical level, but also the unique gift of spiritual healing, allowing people to fully recover on all other levels. He calls this process of healing from the emotional and spiritual strain of illness or injury “rewiring.” It’s vital to true recovery. When a person has been struggling with illness for a long time, there is more than the physical illness from which to heal. Challenges that often accompany long-term illness are PTSD, drastic life changes with family and friends, and diminished hope, faith, and trust. You may have gone from doctor to doctor with no results and, over time, begun to doubt that you can ever reach truly heal. You may no longer believe in your own body’s basic healing mechanisms and feel that good will never come your way. You may feel that you have lost your sense of security, not able to trust yourself or those around you for direction or help. You may even feel that you can’t trust the environment in which you live. Many people who have confronted illness long-term come to Anthony William. These people have been sick anywhere from six months to fifteen years. Living in this state of ill health, one’s mind becomes conditioned and PTSD sets in from the daily torment and struggle. New patterns start to develop from the doubts and fears of living in this challenging state and these new patterns attach themselves to one’s patterns from before illness struck, affecting spiritual health on a deep level. Even if one physically heals, the conditioning and patterns remain. For example, when one injures a knee, there are months of recovery ahead. One must rely on other parts of the body for support. Eventually, one’s whole body learns new patterns from compensating to protect the injured joint. A knee injury can be stressful—not being able to exercise, not being able to get around, the constant pain, the doctor visits and knee supports. Six months after the injury, emotional trauma, doubts, and fears have set in to further compromise health and wellness. Questions arise: Why me? What did I do to deserve this? Who’s responsible for this? Do I have to live like this forever? Why hasn’t it healed yet? PTSD comes into play, as well as new and old emotional patterns. When one has finally found proper help and the knee has healed, the story isn’t over. What’s left is a wake of knee supports, crutches, doctor and practitioner bills, loss of time, psychotherapy, a weakened Spirit, impatience, and fear of re-injury—to say the least. To fully complete the healing process, there needs to be a reprogramming—a rewiring of the brain, Soul, and Spirit. Otherwise, it may not be possible for one to fully comprehend that the trauma is over and move on with life. A minor re-injury could trigger all of the emotions and PTSD from having suffered before, amplifying the injury and compromising one’s ability to heal again. True holistic healing will address these subtle levels of influence. Some people who have been ill for years become practically an empty shell of pain. The rewiring process in this situation is much more complicated than a simple physical healing, but it is a critical part of true recuperation. Anthony William can help clients not only achieve full physical recovery after years of sickness, but also give them the emotional and spiritual support they need to rewire, addressing all the layers of the healing process. Seasoned by over twenty years of experience working with Spirit, Anthony William uses positive, healthy reinforcement and spiritual wisdom to give you a new understanding of your innate ability to heal and establish new hope. He teaches you how to separate the pain and suffering of the past with your new life of healing, focusing on developing healthy new patterns and routines. Because Spirit helps Anthony William see the whole package of a client’s health, he is able to show you how to build confidence in your healing process, eliminating doubts and fears and replacing them with truth and positive realizations. Infused with these positive thoughts, you’ll gain a sense of validity in the true nature of yourself and feel that Anthony William has not just rewired you, but strengthened the very fibers of your being.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 23:03:27 +0000

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