With depression being a major concern after the death of Robin - TopicsExpress


With depression being a major concern after the death of Robin Williams, I wanted to share my experience with depression. I was a high functioning Obsessive Compulsive Disorder sufferer with bouts of deep depression since about the age of 8 which was undiagnosed at the time but now is quite clear after I was formally diagnosed. Over the past 6 years or so my OCD has become severe, leaving me agoraphobic and a virtual recluse, literally. Sometimes, even when you have everything to be happy about, the beast that is depression can still drag you down further and further and it is so difficult to explain depression to someone who has never had it. I admit that on several occasions, my OCD has led me to the lowest points possible and the resulting depression has often brought me to the brink of a point of no return; to feel that low, that miserable is a truly terrible thing. I have a wonderful husband and if I could overcome my OCD my life would be great. But it isnt, as I have a severe mental health issue that I am speaking out about to help others who may feel the claws of depression squeezing them tightly. I urge anyone with the signs of depression to seek help. I went to my GP and I was afraid and it was difficult to admit I was suffering but my GP has been fantastic. I was referred to a mental health service and have been undergoing treatment as an outpatient for several years. I am not ashamed to admit I have OCD and depression, its not my fault and I desperately want to try and remove the stigma of mental illness. Im fighting a hard battle while still trying to keep a cheerful outlook but it is hard. OCD is treatable but not curable and I will probably have issues with it for the rest of my life and that is very daunting but I will fight, I am determined never to give up the battle. I know how hard it can be; life can be cruel and hard but it is ultimately worth it. I remember when I was better, high functioning and if I got there before, I can get there again and that is what keeps me hopeful. There are so many services available for mental health issues and if you feel that you are having difficulties I urge you to speak to your GP, speak to the Samaritans, speak to Breathing Space but most of all - speak to someone and seek help. I did and Im here today to urge others to seek help like I did. Stay well and best wishes to you all. x
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 20:20:56 +0000

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