With each and every day in which passes I am more certain than - TopicsExpress


With each and every day in which passes I am more certain than ever that the world pertaining to animals is a cause in which becomes increasingly more painful to bear. I am flooded via emails, phone calls, Facebook messages on a daily basis in which contain pleas for help for animals in which have no voices to seek their own rescue. It has long become forgotten that they too are the creatures of our Lord in which were given little to no choice but to be brought into the world without a voice to call their own. Being a rescuer perhaps is a calling but can be blindingly painful to the hearts of those of us who can see what the majority miss in the eyes in which can pierce our very souls. We are imperfect as rescuers in our abilities to see that we cannot save them all. As I look around my own home five animals which once were in the most dire of needs grace my furniture, my floors, and my heart, I know I try my best to continue giving the most of my heart to save. As rescuers we are overwhelmed with the constant burden of backyard breeders, substandard pet owners and those out there who simply are the most vile animals of them all, the abusers. As Rescuers we go to bed at night with the eyes and the stories from the photos in which were sent to us during the day burning holes in our hearts. We lose sleep trying to find a way in our minds and hearts to make it right. What I most resent are those urgent pleas in which come via phone or message generally late in the evenings where the love of a rescuer is used for someone else’s negligent behavior. The call that comes at 10pm and is requesting you pick up this dog in another county, in the dark before a rabid husband shoots it for jumping on top of the baby. The call where the woman tells her husband you won’t come until morning and then holds the phone outside the door to let you listen to her husband shoot the dog. And then it is you she blames for not being more willing to come into the dark of night to rescue the dog she once took as a puppy. Try living with that guilt. For the average rescuer that guilt never leaves. As rescuers we are human beings. We have lives, families, jobs, and are doing our best to be simply just good people as well. Generally we are people with giant hearts who love without fail those who are most special within our lives. Our love is unconditional. We are good parents, good spouses, and we are constantly giving away pieces of our hearts to the beings in which we love the most. We are guilty of giving more than we have, spreading ourselves too thin, and most of all neglecting our inner beings. With it all being said there is one thing we have yet to master as rescuers. Education for the general public is what we are missing. Why are we not spending our time teaching what it is to spay and neuter rather than preaching it? Why are we not bringing into our world for a week at a time those in which don’t have a clue what we do, see, hear, and feel on a daily basis? Why are we not making a difference in that area rather than becoming more and more buried under the burdens of those who breed carelessly on a daily basis? What can we do to become better at our jobs? Twenty years ago my breed the Dane was a solid breed. Not everyone had them and not everyone was meant to have them. They were healthy and bred to standard. Their temperaments were wonderful. Designer colors were unheard of. The number of deaf and blind Danes was minimal. And today I turn away from rescue those in which are aggressive beyond repair. With no ways to take on every Dane in need that lay out there this very moment. It would seem to me that those out there who continue to breed these Danes could look and see exactly what lay out there for their offspring who have been born simply to be doomed to shelter floors, abusive homes, and forgotten. You are right when you tell me I cannot save them all. And I know all too well that I alone cannot. And for those of you who work alongside me I thank you. Together we have saved pieces of the world a little at a time. And for those animals lucky enough to come under our care, their lives have become a blessed one. And our lives richer for doing something great. You are right when you say we are losing this battle but together we continue to fight a little harder, give a little more of ourselves, and have hope with faith in our Lord to show us the way. I thank you for being warriors who give so much of yourselves. We do make a difference in this world.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 10:58:12 +0000

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