With each day comes new things to share, new found experiences, - TopicsExpress


With each day comes new things to share, new found experiences, creative thoughts, and plans of action. Last week I was having a conversation with some dear friends, and then the same conversation came up again last night with my better half Nathan. This particular conversation was based around “how does one person create a job for themselves?”. In my opinion, it couldn’t be more easy, especially with the gift of the Internet at your finger tips. In all fairness I am living proof that it is possible and here is why, nothing fancy just a quick non-pro, heart to heart. Beatsmedia - a website first created from an experience with Radio, Citybeat Radio a station I run for many years, a project that taught me the ins and outs of the music industry, a starting point for my adventure if you will. But where did that interest come from? When I was very young I was heavily moved by music, so much that when my life took a turn for the worse, my coping mechanism was to submerge myself deep in to the sounds, which in turn would always help me through. As time progressed I began to wonder, what a special gift music really is, you never know who is listening on the other end of a speaker, you just never know how many people you are helping to heal along the way. It is a known fact that when people feel happy, sad, depressed or euphoric they choose to soak themselves in to this musical gift. The more I thought about this over the years, the more music helped me through, and the more over time I wanted to give something back. However with my life falling down around me, no control and passed around like an unwanted puppy. I found myself living in an incredible amount of different foster homes. You settle in, you move, over and over again. Three months max for a temporary placement and 6 months was a long-term placement although long-term placements never happened, and there was never a choice I just had to accept it and make the best of this awkward situation. Anyway, with new homes came a lot of fresh starts, and with fresh starts came unstableness, to the point that I must have attended at least 8 different schools in my last 2 years of schooling. Which as you can imagine, destroys any chance of me passing my exams, and sure enough it did. Resitting those exams was never an option for me, and I went straight in to college at 15 and studied something I knew I would easily find a job doing, and that at the time was Childcare, I was always great with children and they always seem to feel attached to me, so it seemed a good choice back then. After I passed and collected my certificates I went on to take as many part-time and full-time jobs as I could, I was thrown in the deep end. By the age of 16 I had my own place and of course with your own home comes a mass of bills, I was always determined not to be a social claimer and for that reason I would take on any job that would come my way, and plunder everything I was in to them. I didn’t have much, but what I did have I would earn for working hard. Further determined not to let my past catch up with me and leave me in a mess. Yes correct, I had no good qualifications to speak of but that wasn’t ever going to stop Rachel. To cut a long story short, after many years and many jobs, my passion for music remained – my mind and heart would always turn back to the music at every given moment, I constantly felt there was something missing from my life if I wasn’t around music, a strange feeling actually, it’s almost as though you are living with the loss of a family member. For that very reason I felt this is what I needed to do with my life, and decided to just go for it. I jotted down some ideas, plans, and formed a little inspiration, imagination and creativeness, after all this was my gift in life, and those were my strengths so why waste those? I took what I did have and just went for it. With my new found experience, came dedication, with dedication came hard work and with the hard work came recognition. Recognition and thanks for helping those who helped me for so many years growing up. When the first day of recognition came, I knew I had made the right choice, and I knew right then and there that this was the path I was meant to walk. And here I am today 7 years down the line and still doing what I love most, Rachel Rixham devoted Mother, Wife (almost), and proud owner of Beatsmedia, giving all that I am back to the music, yes nothing major to some, but my strength, courage, and faith in myself, brought me here, this close and this far and for that I will always be eternally grateful. It just goes to show that if you want something enough in your life, if you remain focused on where you want your life to lead, you can always make it, you don’t need a miracle, you don’t need a flawless CV, you just need the passion and the drive to succeed. Today, I aspire to be so much more and will continue my quest, I will keep on gaining and I will always stay within the music. I will leave you with this quote: ” The key to happiness is having dreams, The key to success is making your dreams come true.”
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 13:14:26 +0000

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