With each passing on of any brother and sister, who have gone back - TopicsExpress


With each passing on of any brother and sister, who have gone back to our Lord dad , I will miss them . Fighters , they are , humble and steady , lifting the newly birthed brothers and sisters , guiding the younger in their walk , assisting the elders to strengthen the congregation, holding up the church spiritual defenses. Praying and fasting for our spiritual breakthroughs / disease. Freeing us from our prisons and bondages . Teaching and sending us to fly and soar like eagles after Jesus. I appreciate each of their love and efforts to bring me to Jesus to wash me clean, break my sin/ bad habits strongholds, teach me knowledge of God and inform me to my rights in Jesus, continue my service to the people. I know that in the last days ( when Jesus comes again) I will be meeting them again . While my time here is to continue in my appointed place , to be in training , to be in service , to gather the crops , to pray even more accurately. Im not prefect ( Im in training remember?). Jesus is . Jesus trusts me to bring His word when He prompts at the unexpected time. To pray when He gives me a vision in the middle of a bus ride or my precious sleep in the hours of 3-6 am. Yes , even intercession has different areas and volume magnitudes and cross continents or distant nations . Some, I see that they are born nicely ; others had deaths avoided ; some , their hearts clouds cleared ; some simply need to break their banks of tears simply they were afraid for too long/ closeted from inside and Jesus wash them clean . Even in the darkest dark, the deepest valley, the multi layer personalities , the stronghold of inner prisons , God knows. The key to open these is still Jesus. And He will wash you clean in His Grace. He invites you to open your doors from the inside to invite Him in . And He is not a person to storm your gates . Never mind if no one appreciates , I know it has bettered some ones appreciation of Jesus . It is all that matters . whoever believe in Jesus will come with us . Once this Jesus ark / window closes , it does not open in the last days . we will all be gone from your midst . While you have living breathing time , make a choice to know your rights to Jesus. Fund out . Never mind if Im obnoxious . Save your own life . Thats all.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 01:52:38 +0000

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