With every person, the gift of learn should be never ending. As - TopicsExpress


With every person, the gift of learn should be never ending. As you come across situations or people, you should look at it for what it is and what can you learn from it or them. Everyone has a unique gift to give; you just have to find it. Sometimes it is on the negative side like “I don’t want to be that” but that too is learning. To me that is what life is all about. We are blessed to spend an exceeding amount of time with our pets because we deal with seniors that require care on a daily basis and that can be a curse or a blessing. We have learned a lot from them, about not only their health and care, but each one has taught us something that we did not know or was not our strongest trait within ourselves. (Nice way of putting, we sucked at it!) The time has come that one of our best teachers has to cross over. Finnegan came into our lives after his life, well basically was horrible. Came from a hoarder, was rescued, nursed back to health, he got adopted only to be found on the streets 6 month later close to deaths door. Nursed back to health again and put up for adoption again. That is where we came into his life or better put he came into our lives. We had gone in to meet another kitty and only saw him on the way out. Handsome boy he was, quietly sitting on the cat tree as we walked by. Just by chance, however we decided to have 2 kitties join our family that day March 25th, 2010. Finnegan has taught me patience, not just for him, but everything in life. Not the “waiting for things” type patience, the “I’ve told you 1 billizion times don’t” kind. I know his sly demeanor of moving slowly and quietly, maybe they won’t see me approach will never be forgotten. He would follow our newbie’s , walking right next to them, just leaning over and nip them on their ear tip, just to let them know he was there. He was the perfect alarm clock at 4 am no sound, just his nose and mouth stuck in your, mouth works every time. His unique hunger for cat litter, why? Who knows? There was always food down and they were fed twice a day so we never could figure that out. His drooling and then shaking his head, drool flying everywhere little trick. We love all of them and will miss them dearly. We love you Finn and will miss you a lot.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 02:23:47 +0000

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