With every sunshine we always need a “Miracle” in this - TopicsExpress


With every sunshine we always need a “Miracle” in this world…….. Have mercy on us our Lord of Heaven & Earth. Lord of Lords, On this Monday morning we raise our thoughts, our hearts, our prayers, our Bodies & souls for the Glory of your Blessed Name. As your light has shined on our land, let it shine inside our minds & hearts too my Lord for the well-being & freedom of the human race. A new month has started & a new liturgical year too, help us to renew ourselves & to accept each other as human being regardless of our religious views, education & way of thinking & let us see the goodness in each brother or sister we meet in life, makes us an image of your goodness & make us spread it around without expecting anything in return. Make us a new creation for your unconditional love. Make us walk your way hoping for a better world based on understanding, forgiveness & love that surely leads to inner peace among human & with you. Our world of today my Lord is facing plenty of temptations on all levels & the devil never sleeps, looking always for a chance to hunt souls, never stops night & day blowing his wind of corruption in our daily life & we can see how human have become using their freedom & to which extend... we have become unhuman in the way we treat each other, we have become selfish , materialistic, we have broken each commandment, we have even break the rules of creativity when you created men & women to live together & multiply, we have made legal marriage between gays themselves & lesbian a true invention!...Shame. Man is killing with no mercy,hurting, stealing, rapping, clamming being right, judging other without looking deeply to what our hands do… All & more are happening because we have lost contact & communication with you my Lord, we have refused your wisdom, your Love, your guidance & surrendered to our Ego… Today we ask you to give hope & courage to those who are living under poverty, to those who have lost everything, their homes their dignity, their proud, their belongings, their family members, those who are suffering from wars, those living in the prison of their disability mental physical or spiritual, those put in jail with no reason those who are in prison & not judged for years, let your blessings rain on them like rain drops & your faith renew their hearts to know you always exist in this world & after this world & your ways are beyond our understanding & intelligence, help those sitting under your sky in the wind & rain those feeling emptyness inside their life those who have lost every hope in life to see how much you feel their pain, their sufferings & count their tear drops one by one, let them know you as God of living & God that makes from the impossible possible; Lord we are not slave anymore, we are your loving sons & daughters, Deliver us from temptation at each moment of our life in your Holly name we seek for your help each step of the way to be free from the curse of sin. Let your light & Love shine so bright. Amen. Have all a warm day & a new fresh start for November. Your brother in humanity with modesty, Paul M Hatem youtu.be/ga3DmPRPAQQ?list=PLWvahZRxLnLPV5ECCHvmLuus6Tjmv4Oir
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 08:52:13 +0000

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