With everything going on today I forgot to post about the job - TopicsExpress


With everything going on today I forgot to post about the job interview... Had an interview at Pet Paradise today, the location by the airport. Drive wasnt too bad. Said it would take an hour, got there in about 45 minutes. And I wasnt really speeding. Ive never been there and only recently heard of the place, but its quite impressive... Cant remember the ladies name that interview me (oops!), but she seemed impressed at my passion for animals as well as my experience... They have a couple of other interviews to do, but I have a good feeling about this one! Should hear something back by next week... Of course its part time to start out with, but she said that if you work hard, you can move up quickly. Always a good thing! Most likely will be working during the day, which I was hoping for overnight, but thats ok. Not REALLY sure I could handle overnight, it was just more convenient... Anyway, wish me luck! PetCo is a definite no, regardless of whether they call me back. Not worth the drive for parttime, minimum wage and absolutely no room to move up or get a raise... Ridiculous. Tractor Supply is a possibility. The manager is a really nice guy and again, you can move up quickly. The drive wasnt so bad either. Just depends on whether they need someone with my expertise in their store since everyone has a specialty that works there... Im due for some good luck!
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 01:41:24 +0000

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