With happiness, you can buy anything. Let me rephrase that. You - TopicsExpress


With happiness, you can buy anything. Let me rephrase that. You cannot buy happiness my friends. You simply cannot. You can have all the money in the world, but can you truly buy happiness? No you can’t because happiness is in the heart. So when you feel down by money, go into the inside of yourself and go into the heart center and see yourself sitting in there. Now love yourself, see how beautiful you are. Engulf yourself with the pink flame and see yourself smiling, enjoying, being happy, loving everybody around you, and loving yourself the most. That you cannot buy with money. The systems are falling, trust this. You are making them crumble. So these Merkabah energies which are still at this time very much present on your Earth are helping this all, these creations, the crumbling down of the systems, the crumbling down of the old, the growth of the new. This is now happening and these energies are empowering everything that you are, that you do,what you bring, what you create and what you think. So be careful my sweet friends. What you think is so powerful – you create with your thoughts. This is how powerful the energy is. So what you can do with those energies is the following. You meditate. If you do not know how to meditate, just make yourself quiet for a few minutes. This is meditation. You block everything that comes in your mind and you let it go. You have an empty mind and you just feel. Everything around you that might disturb you, you will not hear anymore. Put on some music, some beautiful dolphin music, some Angel music that helps you to relax. And you just sit and feel. And as you are doing that, you open yourself up to all the energies and beings of light. Now how do you do that Saint Germain? Open up? I do not know how to do this. Envision the heart and the crown opened. See this channel opening up, becoming a big ball of light. See light energies and a big ball of light entering your body through the heart and crown chakra. See it going downwards moving through your chakras and body. See from this ball of light all kinds of energies floating, all floating inside of your body filling your body with light and love and energy. Ask for the energies of the Cosmos and the Merkabah to be absorbed. Open the crown and the heart and see the energies coming in. See them floating in and see them merging with you. And then you will feel warmth. You will feel loved and blissful, for it is a wonderful feeling. And as you are absorbing these energies, make use of them. By that, I mean ground them, take them inside of your heart and say that you want to use them to help you to connect more with yourself, to connect with others. Use them by sending love to others and yourself. Use them by grounding them in Earth. This is the most important part – Gaia needs those energies. And as you are grounded, you pass them through to Gaia, and as you are connected with Gaia by grounding, you as well will make use of them because she sends them back to every single living soul on this earthly plane. You are connected as One. And as you are connected to each other, from heart to heart, you will help each other. You will collectively help each other and grow so much. This is why grounding is important. You ground yourself in the earthly grid inside of Mother Earth. And you will connect on the earthy grid around Mother Earth as well forming this beautiful flower of life. This is what the Merkabah formation is helping and assisting to. All the energies are poured from the Cosmos and are led straight to you, in each one of you in the hearts. So by opening up, just state that you want to receive them, that you want to be this light channel, this light pillar of light absorbing all that is, entering into your fields. Let it be absorbed in the heart and ignite the heart. And then pass it through to Gaia. This is what you can do, this is working with energies. This is channeling energies. It is channeling. And so that way, you will help more than you know. You will work with energies instead of just waiting and closing yourself, not opening your heart and chakras. Just taking a waiting position will not lend assistance to yourself, nor the collective nor Earth. To be able to absorb the maximum of those energies, you will allow yourself to absorb them. Your body and higher self will know how much you will be able to cope with. The arch angels will know how many of you can absorb what kind of level of integrations. Know that every single soul on this Earth has the opportunity and the ability to do so, to channel those energies. Every one of you, on their own way; it could be during sleep. Most of the souls are worked on during their sleep. They absorb these energies during the sleep because the sleep is the only timeframe in their lives that they open themselves and release and let go. By this I mean the unawakened ones. The awakened ones, the lightworkers, you all, the masters – you do this on a conscious way and I thank you for that my beloved friends, because you are helping so much. I feel it and I am really passionate about all of this. You are truly seeing so many wonderful things happening on the earthly plane. And every one of you that is awakened and connected to Self can feel it as well in the heart and they start to see it in their worlds and realities as well because it’s becoming tangible as ever. Wait, because more will come. You will be engulfed by so many light beings and love and energy. You will connect with more of us very soon in the heart. Does this all answer your question, dear Andrew?
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 22:32:24 +0000

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