With much sympathy of appreciation to your say, Id like to - TopicsExpress


With much sympathy of appreciation to your say, Id like to correct a couple of key issues. The true cause of this crisis you said was Hamas, I beg to differ, firstly Hamas is not a crisis Israel is more than capable to handle Hamas but not while There are forces in place which render the fate of Hamas to exist, mainly the support of Islamic-UN which advertently answers to the US, being the host and the bulk of its fundings. They currently lavish in freedoms and actions like in no other time in our history to bash on Israel. Jihadist president Hussein sees to their relative comfort. No real condemnation ever utters his mind or say pertaining to Islamic waves of hateful sentiments and dangerous actions, Jihadist President Hussein is the true cause of this crisis, of which I have NO doubt. Jihadist president Hussein has systematically worked to undermine not only American and Israeli interest, he has achieved for the Islamic cause on a global scale. His course in government has never been the course of prior a American leader, America has always been about freedoms and democracy, weve always known how to answer to a developing crisis Before it gets out of hand as he? Name the one positive which jihadist president Hussein has achieved for America and the free world, just the one which does not have to do with expanding the rights and footprint of Islam and Muslims? Has he significantly altered anything positive for anyone else? Secondly, youve talked about Hamas has not been capable, not striving for two states alongside of each other. Youve only just exposed your neck in seeing any sort of legitimacy for Hamas/Palestine over Jewish lands. I reckon this might be a hot topic, but seriously... Did the Egyptians, Babylonians, Romans, Greek, Ottoman Turks, and Britts and every other in between Not know to whom the land belonged? Does the Torah, New Testament and the Quran Not know to whom the land belonged? Does the Millions of artifacts pulled out of the grounds of Israel, From thousands upon thousands of historical/archaeological dig sites Not know to whom the land belonged? Does Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Hebron, Tiberias, Galilee, and the Jordan Not know to whom the land belonged? If MUSLIMS, Hamas, Fatah, Islamic brotherhood, and or any such Islamic Movement and of course Palestinians Can produce as much evidence, half as much evidence, one fourth as much evidence, or even 1% of the evidence to support their claim over Jewish lands, we will then be able to hold legitimate talks about a two state solution. From my perspective, any such talks are illegitimate and farce, counterintuitive also being that we SUBMIT* to radical Islam which by the merits of terror is able and capable of robbing Israel blind! (ISLAM* = SUBMISSION). Prior to 1967 there was no such thing as Palestinians in the Perceptual and Conceivable sense that we see today, its when they elected the very first leader Yasir Arafat, whoever spoke for them earlier, represented their nation, name of one of their leaders? What is Jordan if not Israel turned Palestine? Ill wrap my say with the following and last point: in observing Islam throughout the world and hearing their claims Islam will rule the world similarly of Sharia, their demands of sovereignty and rule over foreign lands all over the world. If those claims are logical to your senses, then my whole argument is farce. But if you find it absurd, disturbing and unfounded Israel has been there and done that for the last hundred years so maybe you ought to give us your voice and support because in so doing you may just in fact save your own skin, your own life and the life of your loved ones. Israel has been battling these very same absurdities, this fictitious claims, for its survival while there are some elements in this world which seeks to deprive Israel of her capabilities. or in other words certain and complete annihilation. As an Israeli and as an American I fear not, my intentions to bow down and croak to Islam are null. I suppose that many of you need to adapt the same level of clarity, youll need to answer to a couple of the most basic of question Do you want to live (most definitely die) under Islamic rule? Do you want to preserve yourselves, your cultural identity, your home and nation and if so how and what will you do in the next and for the rest of your life to prevent from it? I suppose you can all sit down and do nothing while the virus spreads, soon youd all be facing the identical and worse fate that Israel learned to manage with and without your support and hands tied behind her back! The only answer so far as Im concerned is a deliberate celebration of strength, to crush the Muslim dog to the afterworld! Never ever conceive a morsel of legitimacy to those who express in words and horrific deeds a very strong denial of yours!
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 10:26:04 +0000

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