With my new way of life how do I stand with the material world? Do - TopicsExpress


With my new way of life how do I stand with the material world? Do I have a lot of attachments or prized possessions? I would say I only have 2 prized possessions and those would be my kids even though they are not actually a possession. The fewer possessions and attachments I have of this world the freer I am. Just like less ego means less problems well so does less attachments means less grief. Without having worldly possessions I have no fear of losing anything. What kind of freedom is that? It’s a beautiful freedom that’s for sure. My car is for necessity. My job is for necessity. There aren’t too many attachments that are only a necessity. Most attachments go much deeper than that. Living with less and less of these worldly goods not only keeps me right sized but I also have no fear of losing anything. All my possessions can be replaced. The simpler I make my life, the less distractions I have the more peaceful my life. It’s pretty simple actually. I grew up quite poor so never had a lot of stuff which now turns out to be a blessing because of my lack of stuff I was never worried about losing anything. My financial situation is another area in which changing my life has me changing my mind on this subject too. For me money does not and cannot buy me happiness. Some of the happiest people I know are rather poor. I can either make money my servant or my master and I chose to make money my servant. Yes I have to be responsible and pay my bills but anything above that is extra. When money ceases to be my master I have the freedom from fear of financial insecurities. I try to see how I can use my money for love and service of others. I also know that however many people I help out that God will never be outdone in generosity. The more I give the more I will receive back. I believe that 100%. My job making this money needs to be seen in a different light. Is my job just to make money or am I being of service to others? Would more money make my life more comfortable? Maybe, maybe not. I know I have enough to get by and although there might be occasions where I think it would be nice to be a little better off I also know that my needs are always met. Maybe not my wants but my needs are always met. I don’t know how many times I would say to myself “How am I going to pay for that or how am I going to get through this” and guess what, I always do. The proof is here right in front of me. I’m still standing and all my needs are met. Need I ask for anything more???
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 21:04:27 +0000

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