With new year almost upon us, I thought I might reflect upon what - TopicsExpress


With new year almost upon us, I thought I might reflect upon what has been a rather tough year financially. And why has it been so tough? We made the decision when Olivia was born that I would stay home and look after her. We have always felt that it should be a parent bringing up a child in the first few years of life, not a bunch of people in a nursery, but unfortunately society currently makes that rather difficult. When once people got by when the man worked and the woman stayed at home, to really be comfortable on average wages you need two salaries coming in, not just one. But at the start of the year aaron took a new position is the company he was in, told that everyone was hitting targets easily, that he would easily be getting a good bonus each month, and by our calculations we could see that getting by each month and paying for our wedding would be easy. We thought things were sorted. But how wrong we were! Within a few months is became clear they had told him a load of complete bollocks. We spent every month struggling to even pay the bills let alone pay for the wedding, and the wedding wouldnt have even happened without Aarons mum bailing is out. Being in that position, it doesnt feel good. Being unable to properly support your own family, that doesnt feel good. All I can say is that right now I just thank my lucky stars that I found juice plus and joined the business. That Laura Harrison sent me that message on Facebook inviting me to get involved. Because without it, we wouldnt be getting through the month. Without it we wouldnt have an amazing plan for the future. Without it, I would have been forced to put Olivia on nursery and get get a normal job just to get an extra few hundred a month after the nursery fees have been paid. Instead I get to be here to bring her up, to do all the things a mother should be able to do. We may not be rolling in it yet, but through following in the footsteps of my JP peers that now are, my business is growing. And I get to make a living by helping people achieve things they have previously struggled with, helping people get past illnesses and issues that majorly impact their lives, and by helping people escape jobs they hate or just arent overly happy in so they can find the freedom and money to pursue the things they really love. 2014 may have been tough, but Im not wishing it away, because its the year my journey really began. If you have taken the time to read this then thank you, but can I ask you one more thing? Please think about your life, just for a minute. Are you doing what you always wanted to do? Are you really comfortable financially? If you could find a way to do anything, live the dream you have always wanted, what would that dream be? If you are already living your dream then fab, keep at it. If not, then why not? This business is giving me the freedom to work on my book without worrying about the bills. What could it help you do? 😙😙😙
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 12:41:56 +0000

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