With news breaking last week that the National Security Agency was - TopicsExpress


With news breaking last week that the National Security Agency was not only spying on citizens of the United States, but our European counterparts as well, outrage spread through the European Union’s leadership. A week in the political arena is an eternity, as now, shocking claims are coming from Edward Snowden (the former NSA worker wanted for treason) that the USA was actually working in tandem with Germany and other foreign nations to assist each other in the collection of personal data. One estimate, by the Der Spiegel magazine in that country, placed the amount of data being collected at half a billion phone calls. Snowden, in an interview done before he left Hong Kong, claimed the German Federal Intelligence Service and the National Security Administration have a system in place to share information without attaching any trail back to the politicians that gave them the power to do so. “Other agencies don’t ask us where we got the information from and we don’t ask them. That way they can protect their top politicians from the backlash in case it emerges how massively people’s privacy is abused worldwide.” NSA head, James Clapper, apologizing to Congress for lying about the yet-to-break spying scandal. The German government has denied any involvement in the blossoming NSA scandal. A spokesperson for Chancellor Merkel responded to the allegations, saying, “…we will clearly say that bugging friends is unacceptable. We are no longer in the Cold War.” He went on to promise to that Merkel’s administration was investigating the breaking news. The current whereabouts of Edward Snowden are unclear, although most have him located at an airport in Moscow. Unable to leave the terminal while he seeks asylum from numerous countries, Snowden has found ways to get his message out to the world. Just recently on Wikileaks, he released a statement, rebuking the reactions from the Obama administration. “This kind of deception from a world leader is not justice, and neither is the extralegal penalty of exile. These are the old, bad tools of political aggression. Their purpose is to frighten, not me, but those who would come after me.” revealed-feds-admit-nsa-spying-violated-4th-amendment.w654 Some doubted the authenticity of the “Snowden Response” but now it is all but universally confirmed to be a message from the embattled former NSA agent. Glenn Greenwald, the man who helped Snowden tell his story to the world, promises even more revelations as the story continues to unfold. Just today an article was released in Brazil, co-written by Greenwald and appearing in the Sunday magazine O Globo, detailing how the spy agency was also collecting phone calls from our peaceful Southern partners as well. Making backdoor deals with a yet unnamed telecom company to make a deal with foreign telecom companies is the standard procedure, according to Greenwald. The program, code named “Fairview”, is aimed at foreign ally countries not aggressive or a threat to US citizens or interests. It seems the scope of the intrusion know no bounds, as each day that goes by more is revealed to the public. With the latest revelations, even our best friends around the world aren’t safe from the snooping. The question is, will the public wake up in time to systematically change the very acts that we have allowed in the first place? As always, comments are welcome and appreciated! We here at Patriot News Organization are built from the ground up, to watch the top down. patriotnewsorganization/shocking-claim-nsa-not-working-alone-to-spy-on-you/
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 17:33:02 +0000

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