With our Captain handling the aircraft, the brakes were applied - TopicsExpress


With our Captain handling the aircraft, the brakes were applied and the throttles advanced to take off power. After the brakes were released, we lurched forward. Rotation occurred at 105 Kts. at 12.51Z, and after an intial climb rate of 1600ft/min, and landing gear retraction at 900ft, we poured a fresh smoke supply over the polder just aft of the threshold. With the cabin reverberating to the deep roar of the Ivchenko turboprops, speed was maintained at 160kts and the climb rate reduced to 900ft/min, followed by a slight left turn onto heading 186 degrees and climb to 4000ft. Yuschenko constantly monitored the engine instruments and made fine adjustments to the power levers to keep each engine at the same power setting. At 12.57Z Amsterdam control cleared us to 27000ft (approximate 8600 meters according the russian altimeter) and instructed us to contact Dusseldorf control. They directed us onto a heading of 157 degrees to the “ARP”beacon. Climbing out to our assigned cruising altitude, we overflew Germany’s industrial Rhur district. Despite the stupendous din, the An-12 cockpit is relatively quiet and vibration-free at climb and cruise power.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 18:37:21 +0000

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