With profound respect for the very honoured Ms. Turpel-Lafond, and - TopicsExpress


With profound respect for the very honoured Ms. Turpel-Lafond, and without contradicting her report, we take her topic further still, in directly challenging the Canadian concept of social culture as based on the particular Western Republican Culture that is practiced under the strictly European sphere of authority and education and teaching and thus economics and politics. I acknowledge the great body of legal knowledge and the scope of work on the issues of justness that is behind the report but call for a more profound pause in the discussion of the species of remedy than simply to shift the kids back to a more controlled and bureaucratic service than has been in play. Canadian Federal Nationalism needs to be reviewed at the very (very very) core, a matter illustrated by the Senate scandal and growing voice for renovation in that Chamber. The people must have an immediate peroration upon the purpose of the country of Canada, as the Consumer Economy prepares a final global expansion. Otherwise what will the children learn? The modern and popularized idea of being aboriginal is a parody of a parody; it is children under the tutelage of older children of aboriginal descent, who are cued by a political elite of no specific cultural model except the common subjection to the dominant social authority. Ms. https://google.ca/search?q=peroration&oq=peroration&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.3079j0j7&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=122&ie=UTF-8 cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/b-c-wasting-millions-on-failed-aboriginal-programs-report-1.2417112 Ms. T-L. would qualify as a lady at the pinnacle of Canadian culture yet, what would she teach these children that would alter the unjust condition an iota? In fact Scientific Social Theory is as much a Religion as the monotheisms, being built on humanist assumptions which are not panning out as promised but are now about to enter a global phase that will completly destroy the Planets capacity to support a human system of culture, unless it is restored to an indigenous balance. So it will not help anyone to assist these kids to cope with modern consumer culture. What is required is a new land based model of order that connects the people, old and young, to the land itself, directly, not through cities, through their hands; less bureaucracy, not more. The Kitsilano Indian Band is a self-started Band that claims the entire provice as our property and as the land of our Members, all of whom are residents of the province, but not yet satisfied with Canada or with their Band. dailykos/blog/jesusjamey We support the Report in principle but call for a complete break from Canadian Culture and resumption of the Matriarchy, especially Haida Jaata. Europe is collapsing. The Maya Prophecy is true.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 20:38:37 +0000

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