With so much gratitude for the incredible amount of love and - TopicsExpress


With so much gratitude for the incredible amount of love and support for my niece Claire, here is an update on her condition: Claires diagnosis now also includes sepsis and her abdominal pain has spread higher. If she tries to move at all, the pain is quite intense. The medical staff is monitoring her closely in the ICU and they are waiting on a decision to insert a PICC line to deliver medications more efficiently. (Her body needs to be able to maintain hydration better first.) The surgeon who was in today told my sister and brother-in-law to prepare themselves for the coming weeks, because the process of clearing the infections from Claires body will be long and hard. The physician stated that, as a surgeon, he loves to fix stuff, but when it comes to these kinds of infections, theyre better off to let the infection clear on its own with the use of heavy antibiotics (theyve adding two more antibiotics to Claires list today); that it will be difficult to see Claire so sick and hospitalized for so long, as it could take weeks to clear the infections. In 6-8 weeks once the abdomen has cooled down, and when everything has stabilized, they hope to perform an appendectomy. There was a respiratory setback this afternoon and they are now working to have her in a sitting position to do respiratory therapy to help her lungs. Claire is an amazingly brave little girl with maturity beyond her years. Over all this time of being ill, she rarely had spoken a complaint. Thank you so very much, everyone, for your concern, prayer support and love. I am overwhelmed and so incredibly grateful to you all, as is my whole family. Thank you to so many have so kindly shared to their pages to assist with prayers and healing thoughts for sweet Claire. My sincere and deepest thanks for all of the love. So thankful; so grateful.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 23:28:14 +0000

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