With the GOP seemingly posed to take control of the Senate next - TopicsExpress


With the GOP seemingly posed to take control of the Senate next year, thought we should mark a few economic FACTS so when/if the shit hits the fan under their leadership we can objectively assess the damage. Unemployment, 5.9%, below pre-recession levels GDP growth last quarter: 5.5% Jobless claims at their lowest point since 2007 Dow Jones on 10/31 closed at a new Record high -17390 S&P 500 on 10/31 closed at a new Record high - 2018 Consumer Confidence level: 86.9, the highest in 7 years. National deficits falling faster than at any time in our history Growth in Govt spending, under 2%, the lowest since Eisenhower Gas Prices falling. With 70% of our GDP based on CONSUMING, just imagine how much stronger it might be if we invested in our infrastructure and put more people back to work. OR if we shift all those tax breaks Corps have been enjoying for more then a decade to working Americans, so they can spend it? So if the old adage Its the economy stupid still holds true... why would be electing the GOP? They have done nothing other then hurt the economy since they took the house. Look at the data for the end of 2010 and mid way thru 2011 after they held the house... things started turning south for a while. All the trends are leading in positive directions, so if they change direction...the biggest change this nation is potentially taking is putting the GOP in charge of the Senate. Of course there might be other factors, but that is a big one, so lets see what happens! So to my GOP loving friends, Richard A Paris and others... what is wrong with Obamas economic policies?
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 15:56:53 +0000

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