With the Sun in the independent sign of Sagittarius where it will - TopicsExpress


With the Sun in the independent sign of Sagittarius where it will stay until December 21st, you may find yourself more adventuress, increasingly philosophical as well as more in sync with what is going on around you. Where the road leads is where you will end. The most important thing to realize is that this is your time to experience life, have fun and entertain, and be entertained. During this time, travel far and near is highly recommended. At this time and at every step, you’ll attempt to synthesize and incorporate what you’ve just learned with what you already know, ever seeking the bigger picture and chasing down the truth. Your outlook will be universal and your approach broad. With this transit, It’ll be best if you can encourage your intellect and curiosity by pursuing education beyond the required level as knowledge will truly be power. A good month to just be. SIGNS: Aries: March 21-April 20 - With Virgo traveling in your 6th house, your area of health as well as financial responsibility is affected this week as your sense of urgency is intensified. Its very important to take stock of every given situation that comes your way. Be aware of the fact the much can be said about patience. In addition, take heed when dealing with work related matters. Don’t try to overcompensate. Taurus April - May 21- Relationships, specifically love related, may have a tendency to overwhelm you as Saturn in Scorpio opposite your own sign, causes you to question your every move. Also you may begin to see yourself pulling inward as your desire to set necessary limits is well indicated. Also, your financial situation may be in a flux for the next few weeks or so as the Sun now in Sag may cause you to pay better attention. Gemini ( May 22-June 21)- For the next few weeks or so,as the Sun travels in your area of relationships, importance is placed on work and home, personal habits and partnerships. Your need to do it all may cause you to feel overwhelmed and totally exasperated. It’s important to realize that during this cycle, you need to pace yourself. Also pay very close attention health matters, time to get focused. Cancer ( June 22-July 23)- The framework of your life at this time seems to be focused on how you see yourself. This is a time for deep introspection. Also as the Sun travels through your area of health, its time to take stock of personal responsibilities.Time to sit back and take it all in before jumping the gun. Also, be aware of your tendency to speculate. Leo ( July 24-Aug 23)- So much of your life depends on what you give to other people. This is clearly a time to focus on yourself, while paying close attention to your own needs and priorities. Changes in the home are imminent with transiting Sun in trine to your own sign. Time to use what you have and use it wisely. Virgo ( Aug 24-Sept 23)- It has been said that the secret of life is consistency, and you for one are always constant. However, major planetary influences in your life signifies that one chapter in your life has now closed, now it’s on to the next chapter. Relationships, business and personal, during this time, may go through a major transition. For the nest few weeks or so importance is placed on family and home. Libra ( Sept 24- Oct 23) Keep long term goals and perspectives well at hand, the knowledge that you gain during this cycle will allow you to accomplish anything you set your mind to. A very strong cycle in which to see resolution as Mars traveling through your area of thought forces you to wake up and let go. Also, with the transiting Sun in your area of chat, you may be a bit more verbal than usual. Time to say your peace. Scorpio ( Oct 24-Nov 22)- Approach business matters with confidence this week. Pay attention to the details You should be in fine form and ready to meet any of the challenges ahead. However, your area of friendships may go through a turning point. You may find yourself feeling a bit more obligated than usual, as the demands from others could cause you to retreat. Also a great month to get yourself in sync financially with the transiting Sun taking place in your money house. Sagittarius ( Nov 23-Dec 21)- For all of you optimistic Sag’s as you’re being aspect from three different angles. Interestingly enough, if anyone can get through this, it’s you. Your area of work may undergo a change, as you see yourself pulling away from your present position. Also, your love life may shift a bit, as your tolerance level goes uncharted. In addition, as always watch your money. The Sun moving into your own sign may lend a helping hand. Capricorn ( Dec 22-Jan 20)- A mixture of challenging yet interesting aspects are transiting your natal Sun, providing you with the wherewithal to make changes you wouldn’t necessarily make. Your money cycle may undergo a shift as you find yourself pulling from different resources. Your relationships may feel a bit threat sensitive, therefore you may find yourself letting go of obstacles that have barricaded your path. By the end of this cycle, you will feel as though you are able to proceed full speed ahead. Aquarius ( Jan 21-Feb 19)- Relationships, specifically love related may have the tendency to overwhelm you this week. Pay special attention to what others may be telling you. Focus on what really matters. This can and will be a prosperous month for all concerned. A strong yet fruitful stage in your life is about to begin. Pisces ( Feb 20- March 20)- For many of you, this is a much need time for introspection, however, the influence’s of the transiting Sun at odds with your own sign may cause you to look at life from a different angle. This period will definitely force you out of your cocoon. Use this time to work on your creativity, focus on taking a better look at yourself and your partnerships. Use this time to your advantage. Astrological Tips: Dieting? Best time after Dec 27.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 21:00:13 +0000

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