With the advent of technology[man increasing in knowledge and the - TopicsExpress


With the advent of technology[man increasing in knowledge and the application thereof] in the 20th and 21st century, the temptation of deifying man is ever imminent and the thought of removing the Creator seems ever greater. I feel the test GOD is giving modern man is that of faith in HIM. How much faith do you have in GOD? The sin of Onan which made GOD slew him is never an issue with modern man. Man has the guts to kick GOD out of the bedroom. Oh man, lets not get supertechnical. The sin of Onan is birth control. Yelp. You thought the bible had nothing to say about birth control and now you will know and presumably scratching your head after reading. And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when in unto his brothers wife, THAT HE SPILLED IT ON THE GROUND, lest that he should give seed to his brother. And the thing which he did displeased the LORD: wherefore HE slew him also. Genesis 38:9-10(kjb). The following is a summary of Genesis 38:2-8. Judah had three sons. The eldest been Er and his immediate young brother was Onan and the recorded youngest was Shelah from their mother, Shuah. Judah took Tamar to be a wife of the firstborn, Er. But before Er could have a generation of his own with Tamar, the LORD slew him because he was wicked in the sight of the LORD[Gen 38:7] It was the duty of the surviving old brother to raise the seed of his brother according to the Levirate marriage custom. And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brothers wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother. Gen 38:8. What made the LORD kill Onan was the sin of birth control. He had intercourse with the widow of his brother but he Spilt the SEED on the ground. This act is described in scripture to have displeased the LORD. For centuries, men and women who feared GOD recognized the inherent evil of birth control and abstained from the vice. Mind you, before the 20th century natural means of avoiding conception were the ones considered evil. Does the scenario change because of artifical means of avoiding conception? NO. Artificials, artificials, artificials. One of the fields of science that was late in advancing was human biology. For the past two centuries or so has man began to grasp the intricacy of the human body. For example, the concept of blood transfusion is relatively new. Two centuries ago, peoples blood would be unwittingly removed as means of curing but life is in the blood so says scripture . Those lacking blood need this precious commodity and hence transfusion as a necessity. The infallible word that has endured throughout ages to deliver its truth has proven to be right once again. What is he saying? I guess is your question. Well, there are reasons why GOD allowed the sin of Onan[birth control] to be recorded in the bible because it is the 20th and 21st centuries generations that committed and continue committing this sin. Back to artificials, when man understood, the endocrine system and its role in pregnancy he sort to alter the process of conception[playing it GOD????????] Manipulating the levels of the hormones and packaging them in a pill can stop conception. Barrier or sheath[condoms] can prevent fusion of gamates. Worse still, killing the sperm[seed] known as spermicide can stop conception. There are many artificial means of controlling birth[name them] but what is common amongst them all is preventing conception and guess what thats the central theme in GOD killing Onan. If you are to seek the honest truth in SCRIPTURE it will resonate the fact of birth control being evil[..........HE SPILLED IT ON THE GROUND...........And the thing which he did displeased the LORD]. Well, I mentioned faith in GOD in my preamble. Having established that the bible condemns birth control and GOD showing no kindness to the first recorded culprit, lets tackle one fallacy which accompanies birth control to modern man. . Such statements makes faith in GOD dwindle. To make such statements come true, man opts to contraceptives. But Psalm 127:3 states lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. Got that???? As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate. Psalm 127:4-5[kjb]. Children are a blessing and raising a godly generation is the essence. The first commandment given to man was to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. Further on to subdue it[Genesis 1:28]. Sin found its way on mankind and the need to raise a godly generation is ever greater[kudos to quiverfull movement]. A generation that follows the tenets of GOD is one HE is pleased with. Once again, children are a blessing and never a burden. Every mouth will GOD feed if you will TRUST HIM. Please call birth control what it is, SIN!!!!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 18:39:51 +0000

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