With the blessing of God, I dedicate my status to my son, Arthur - TopicsExpress


With the blessing of God, I dedicate my status to my son, Arthur John Stuart who is celebrating his birthday todaaay. On this day in 1969, we were Heavenly blessed with our first born, a gracious gift from the Creator of Life. A son who impacted, and changed our lives. A son, named after my father, a son who brought joy for two months into the last two months of my dying fathers life. We were the Gods Chosen Ones to parent His beloved son here on earth. What a Mighty, Godly Blessing!!!!! Today we as parents want to pay tribute to him for ALL that he is, for ALL that he proves to fulfill Gods Plan and Purpose for his life. We salute him as a son who executes loyalty to us, his family and friends. We lovingly embrace him for taking on the responsibility of caring for us and bringing joy into our lives. We wish him ALL the joy, love, peace and happiness that only God can bestow on him, his lovely, caring wife and precious children. May you experience Eternal blessings from the Heavens Above. We love you, son!! Congratulations also to Anthony and Hope Bowers who are celberating their 26th Anniversary today. May their beautiful marriage be blessed with Gods Favor and may there be many more happy years to come. We embrace you and children with all the Love that we have for you. God bless always.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 08:42:04 +0000

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