With the diplomatic impasse over Syria unblocked for now, stocks - TopicsExpress


With the diplomatic impasse over Syria unblocked for now, stocks continue to push higher on expectations that if the U.S. Federal Reserve does slow down its stimulus next week. Last week we saw the German figures drop 1.7%, so the euro-zone figure will be eyed suspiciously. Just released Italian industrial production for July fell by 1.1% month on month. The European Central Bank also publishes its monthly report later today, which will probably do as the central bank’s President Mario Draghi did earlier this month and highlight stronger activity in parts of the currency bloc. Mr. Draghi will be talking later in the afternoon while Bank of England Gov. Mark Carney will face the Treasury Select Committee to discuss his first inflation report at the bank. He is likely to face a grilling on his forward monetary policy guidance, as well as some needling on the rather frothy appearance of the housing market. News to watch today 0900H GMT EUR Industrial Production month on month GBP Inflation Report Hearing 1140H GMT EUR ECB President Mario Draghi speaks 1230H GMT USD Unemployment Claims
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 08:31:33 +0000

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