With the end of the manga and of course the movie coming out - TopicsExpress


With the end of the manga and of course the movie coming out today, it is quite clear to all of us here that NaruHina is canon. However, the NaruSaku fans are crying false and that Kishimoto-Sensei only did that pairing for money. I know, I know, I was pretty stunned and couldnt understand why they would think that. So today at work I tried to put myself in the NaruSaku fans shoes and see where they get this paring from. And to be quite honest as I look back on chapters, I can see a bit of evidence behind the pairing, but it is just too obvious. Naruto having a crush on her, saying he never goes back on his word, and even the references that Kushina and Sakura are alike. But what I tried to look for is why the two would like each other in the first place. Where was it shown that Sakura saw Naruto for who he really was and vice versa. Aside from the one part (and if there is another please tell me because I dont remember) was in the beginning when Sakura says she wants to be noticed/acknowledged by Sasuke, which Naruto can relate to since he wants to be noticed/acknowledged by everyone. There they have something in common, but thats all I can see. I see a few things where Sakura and Naruto both admit the other has gotten stronger . . . but is that all that matters to NaruSaku fans? Naruto admits he has a crush on Sakura, but a crush is not love. I always saw Hinata with Naruto because she saw him for who he really was, a proud failure. She didnt judge the book by its cover which is exactly what we, the NaruHina group, saw from the beginning. We saw the hints, we understood that Naruto not responding to Hinatas confession right away was because he doesnt understand love at all so what the heck was he supposed to say to her? And in the middle of a war he really didnt have time to think about it. Sakuras confession he responded to right away, meaning he knew it wasnt real love. Then back to the war, Hinata snapping Naruto out of his depressive state after Neji died. And I could go on with the reasons. With NaruSaku you have them joking about the two being a couple, like I said before with the Kushina reference and Sakura giving Naruto mouth to mouth to keep him alive (how the hell was that a kiss?!) It just seemed too obvious and in my opinion not real love. More like Kishimoto just having fun and teasing us when he drew those scenes. In all honesty I saw Naruto and Sakuras relationship more like siblings. Plus with Sakura hitting Naruto all the time, you have also see that while yes Kushina did have a temper and Sakura does kind of act like her, Kushina would never hit Minato like that. Then of course the argument, well if NaruHina is canon why didnt Kishimoto add it in the manga. Which I will admit, I was hoping for just a little bit of a love scene between the two to complete the story of Naruto. He learned to make friends, become strong, build bonds with people and finally I was waiting for him to learn about love. However in an interview Kishimoto says he sees the Naruto characters as his children. Hook, line and sinker right there folks. Could any of use truly draw a kissing scene of our own children and not get embarrassed? True, I dont have children, but I have a niece and nephew. And when I try to picture them kissing someone or having a romantic scene I get all embarrassed and dont want to imagine it. Which is where I can see Kishimoto handing the reigns over to the Animators. He gives them the character designs, the idea for the main plot and then lets them handle the romantic scenes. He wants there to be part where Naruto learns about love, but its just something he is not comfortable drawing. Finally, Kishimoto doing the movie for the money? For 15 years the man has written an amazing story, Naruto has been more popular then ever and quite frankly he could have kept it going for more years if he really wanted to! However, he chose to tell the story his way and ended it the way he wanted to. An amazing achievement for a remarkable man. Anyways, that is my rant on the situation, would love to hear from you guys especially if I missed something.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 05:38:05 +0000

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