With the partisan release of the CIA and methodologies used to - TopicsExpress


With the partisan release of the CIA and methodologies used to harvest potential intelligence possibly held by detainees, abroad and at Gitmo, the usual suspects have gone to great lengths to excoriate the US. They have used the occasion to suggest this is what the US has become, what it became courtesy of Bush and Cheney. Of course, I am not talking about China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and others, hardly paragons of a strict observance of human rights, I am talking about the usual members of the press and even some Members of Congress. That those Countries and others, along with the utterly useless United Nations, would gang tackle the US, comes as no surprise. The surprise would have been their silence. But those are not folks to miss a beat when pounding on the US, even if they have a rich history of far greater atrocities against others, including their own. The surprise, or perhaps not, comes from the disturbed, but par for the course, thoughts of some here at home. From Anderson Cooper, CNN talking head viewed mostly by those sitting in airports awaiting a flight (being captive to him and CNN is cruel on its own scale), a comparison to horrible undertakings by the Nazis and the Khmer Rouge. The Nazis not only killed 6 million Jews, with many subjected to medical experimentation well beyond exceptional cruelty, they also triggered a World War, in which 50 million civilians were killed along with hundreds of thousands of uniformed combatants. The Khmer Rouge, hardly angelic, were committed Communists who undertook genocide against certain peoples of Cambodia. And the US deprived some of sleep. To Anderson, CIA intel methods are on par with those of the Nazis and Khmer Rouge. Really? Yes. If you have an agenda. Never to be outdone when it comes to peddling fecal material, Eugene Robinson, scribbling in yesterdays Washington Post, said the US fought evil with evil. Thats right. Loud music directed at detainees is quite comparable to slamming commercial aircraft loaded with passengers into buildings. The death total from the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and the passengers onboard, totaled 2,996. Somehow loud music is equal to that. US Rep. Jackie Speier, D-CA, has called for the CIA to apologize to the terrorists. Thats right. Say youre sorry to those who took part in the wanton killing of innocents for subjecting them loud music, sleep deprivation, water boarding and other methods. Their crimes pale to what they endured in confinement. Isnt that what an apology would connote? As to the report, one sided in content as not a single former CIA Director was interviewed, not a single word was placed by a Republican, but, and this tells as much about the partisanship as anything: lawyers for the Gitmo detainees were interviewed and their words and thoughts found space in the report. I have not read the report and I have no intention of doing so. I do wonder if Abu Ahmad al-Kuwaiti is mentioned? Who is he? Oh, just a name provided by a detainee subjected to CIA interrogation methods and Abu Ahmad al-Kuwaiti, a courier, would be shadowed and that would eventually lead to bin Ladens demise. I suppose at some point, the usual suspects here at home will wring their hands over that death...while forgetting the deaths of 2,996 others.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 03:55:47 +0000

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