With the snow reports coming out of NY and cars getting stranded - TopicsExpress


With the snow reports coming out of NY and cars getting stranded on I90. Do you keep a survival bag in your Jeep. I know we all have Jeeps but those idiots in cars can get us blocked, trapped & stranded. In my Jeep along with my tools, recovery gear and hatchet. Good book - beats watching the clock while you wait for help A wild edibles book for Maine. First aid w/ - quick clot bandage- tourniquet- sharpie to write times on tourniquet Tampons/Pads –good for large bleeding gashes Head lamp /flash light Knife paracord metal cup water bottle/water purification – I have life straw water bottle. Backpacking stove Dry soups Dry food - I dehydrate and vacuum seal my own. Candy Extra wool socks extra hat, mittens Hand and foot warmers sleeping bag baby wipes Vaseline – Fire starter and prevents frostbite Purell/hand sanitizer - can also be used to start fire More than 1 way to start fire - lighter, matches Magnesium Fire Starter, lint from dryer & homemade fire starters paper & pencils, Pencil sharpener - can also be used to make fire starter. I always have a gun on me, extra cash money and now a few silver coins.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 20:37:45 +0000

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