With the sudden passing of Robin Williams, its a good time to stop - TopicsExpress


With the sudden passing of Robin Williams, its a good time to stop and reflect on our lives, and the people in them. Do you know someone whos depressed? Do you know someone whos suicidal? What would your life be like if they were suddenly gone? Ive struggled with depression for years, and more often than not, Im usually hiding whatevers going on in my life under a combination of humour, scathing wit, or grouchiness. At a personal level, Im leaving a toxic work environment in search of greener pastures, and its already the best move Ive made in my life. Given the toll it was taking on me, and the person it was turning me into, it still took a lot of courage for me to make that move, but I did it for myself, because no one else could, but leaving an unfulfilling job is easy. However, fighting my way out of a depressive funk was ten. times. harder. We live in a world practically designed for escapism, its incredibly easy to withdraw and not be noticed. If it werent for a handful of close friends, I may very well have done just that, and thats a slippery slope to be on. Robin Williams choice to take his own life, despite his success and insanely raw animus and the decades of laughter the man has brought all of us.. this is a wake up call, if you choose to hear it. Your world isnt in your phone or your iPad. Its not Facebook, or Twitter, or Instagram. The relationships you form, or forge, with the people around you, are the most important things youll ever do, because from those relationships comes greatness and happiness and creativity and brilliance, either in the things we do, or the children we pass them on to. Think about those who are important to you, and think about the last things you said to them. Will they truly be your last words to them? Everything ends, and rarely at a time of our choosing.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 00:40:18 +0000

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