Withholding Nothing * You can watch the video version of this - TopicsExpress


Withholding Nothing * You can watch the video version of this message at https://vimeo/116054045. This morning we continue our new series, “Maximizing 2015 by God’s GREAT GRACE.” The beginning of a new year is always a time of consecration, rededication and special worship for my family, as it is for countless believers all over the world. It is a time where we are seeking the face and direction of God for the year. One of the ways the Lord deals with me during my personal time of worship and prayer is through music. The Holy Spirit often leads me to certain songs during certain seasons and I play those songs over and over during the particular season, as I meditate on God and seek to hear from Him. One of the songs the Lord has given me for this season is a song by William McDowell entitled, “Withholding Nothing”. In the song McDowell sings, “I surrender all to you. Everything I give to you. Withholding nothing! Withholding nothing... I give you all of me! I give you all of me.... It all belongs to you!” Yesterday, as I listened to this song over and over, and meditated on God and His direction for this season, He led me to share a message with you today entitled, “Withholding Nothing”. You may or may not know the song, but along with the few lyrics I provided you, I am led to share the following scriptures with you this morning. Meditate on these scriptures today. (Jeremiah 29:13 ERV) You will search for me, and when you search for me with all your heart, you will find me. (James 4:8 & 10 ESV) Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you... Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you. (Romans 12:1 MSG) So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. (Psalm 84:11 NIV) ... The LORD will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right. So what does this mean to you today? A few things as we seek to maximize this season. 1. In the season of Great Grace the Lord is speaking and moving. The question is, will you slow down long enough to hear Him and submit long enough to be used? 2. To the level that you are willing to die to self and give yourself completely over to God, will be the level that you experience God’s Greater Grace in this season. 3. Withhold nothing from God in this season and you will experience Him like never before. 4. Make a resolve that nothing in your life is off-limits to God. Allow God open-access to every area and aspect of your life. God’s grace will flow TO you and THROUGH you to the level that you grant Him access. 5. If you hold nothing back from God, He will hold nothing back from you and this year will be the best year of your life. Closing Confession: Father, I thank You for Your Great Grace towards me. You love me with an everlasting love. You look beyond my faults, failures and flaws, and You choose to use me anyway; by Your grace, for Your glory. So I give myself over to You. I hold NOTHING BACK! I give You all of me. Everything I give to You. There is no area of my life that is off-limits to You. I refuse to keep things from You any longer. I refuse to hold back certain things, like I used to. There was a time when I was not completely committed to You, but that time is over. I die to me. I decrease that You may increase in me. I minimize me, that You may maximize Yourself IN and THROUGH me. I withhold nothing from You and I declare that You will withhold nothing from me! I give myself completely to You and You give yourself completely to me. I draw near to You and You draw near to me. I humble myself and You exalt me. I lay before Your feet and You lift me up! I offer myself as a living sacrifice before You, and You open doors for me in this season that no man can shut. You also shut doors for me that no man can open. I give myself to You on a greater level and You pour out Your grace on me on a greater level. In this season I will experience Your Grace like never before, because You want to bless me and I WITHHOLD NOTHING from You! I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name. Amen. This is Today’s Word! Apply it and Prosper.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 11:49:43 +0000

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