Within four months of the January 2010 earthquake, Former US - TopicsExpress


Within four months of the January 2010 earthquake, Former US President Bill #Clinton formed the Interim Commission for the Reconstruction of Haiti (#CIRH): a strictly pay-to-play group of officials/rich businessmen... who agreed to contribute armed personnel from their countries or money (at least $100 million in a two-year period, or erasure of over $200 million in debt) in return for a piece of the action in #Haiti. After some arm twisting and bribery, the Haitian parliament was forced to declare a state of emergency for 18 months during which Clinton and his CIRH gang could do as they pleased with regard to #reconstruction, without risk of liability. One year and a half came and went, and when the Haitian Senate observed that nothing much had been accomplished, the state of emergency was not renewed, and the CIRH was alleged to be fraudulent. By then, Clinton and his cronies had began to search for another way to continue their economic stranglehold on the country, and this would include a suitable #Haitian President: specifically, one who would be popular with the young but lack patriotism. They found their man in the vulgar musician Michel #Martelly. His #election became a mere formality after an electoral commission excluded from participation the Fanmi #Lavalas party, which commanded 80 percent of the electorate. Observers from #Caricom and the Organization of American States (#OAS) legitimized the results despite countless irregularities and ballots from only about 20 percent of the electorate. Such are the conditions under which Michel Martelly was (s)elected President of Haiti.... Clinton picked Laurent #Lamothe as Haiti’s Prime Minister. He did not have to look far: Lamothe was a rich businessman and CIRH member. - Dady Chery #Corruption #Fraud #Usurpation #LandGrab #HillaryClinton #BillClinton #LaurentLamothe #MichelMartelly
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 14:37:24 +0000

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