Without You I am Nothing It was just another day, nothing - TopicsExpress


Without You I am Nothing It was just another day, nothing special, in fact very ordinary, not to mention unproductive. Like everyone else they were just trying to make a living. But on this day, their lives would change forever. Picture these events: On the banks of Gennesaret Lake, a huge crowd, JESUS in the center of it, (the crowd) presses in to hear His message from God. Off to the side, fishermen are washing their nets, leaving their boats unattended on the shore. JESUS gets into one of the boats and asks its owner, Simon (Peter), to push off and anchor a short distance from the beach. JESUS sits down and teaches the people standing on the beach. After speaking for a while, JESUS speaks to Simon. Move out into deeper water, and drop your nets to see what you’ll catch. (Peter perplexed): Master, we’ve been fishing all night, and we haven’t caught even a minnow (the smallest of fish). But . . . all right, I’ll do it if You say so. Simon then gets his fellow fishermen to help him let down their nets, and to their surprise, the water is bubbling with thrashing fish— a huge school. The strands of their nets start snapping under the weight of the catch, so the crew shouts to the other boat to come out and give them a hand. They start scooping fish out of the nets and into their boats, and before long, their boats are so full of fish they almost sink! Simon’s fishing partners, James and John (two of Zebedee’s sons), along with the rest of the fishermen, see this incredible haul of fish. They’re all stunned, especially Simon. He comes close to JESUS and kneels in front of His knees. Simon (filled with fear): I can’t take this, Lord. I’m a sinful man. You shouldn’t be around the likes of me. JESUS: Don’t be afraid, Simon. From now on, I’ll ask you to bring Me people instead of fish. The fishermen haul their fish-heavy boats to land, and they LEAVE EVEYTHING TO FOLLOW JESUS. (Luke 5:1-11The Voice) Simon had seen a whole nights fruitless efforts change before his eyes in a matter of minutes. His realization was without JESUS, he was inadequate even to provide for his own needs. He also saw just how able JESUS was to meet his needs and provide for him, an over-abundance. JESUS had laid the foundation for Peters faith. JESUS had a NEW career in mind for Simon, He would still be a fisherman. But this time, he was going to catch men, and bring them to JESUS. These fishermen would forsake all they had known to be followers of JESUS and to do as He does. They made a Commitment to JESUS, to live their lives His Way. From that day they leave everything to follow JESUS, they know without Him, they are nothing. He had invited them to walk in a new direction. This is part of Sunday Teaching, given by Steve Hopkins, Calvary Chapel Salem, the entire message may be found on the churches Web Site. Finally, I invite you find a new direction in JESUS, make a commitment today. gary. Hillsong United - Search My Heart Live In Miami
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 12:06:56 +0000

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