Woah, so much love for Paul and our furkids. Some for Sonia - TopicsExpress


Woah, so much love for Paul and our furkids. Some for Sonia too!? Here’s the second instalment of “ALL’s Golden Tuesdays”! This time round, I will like to feature one of our oldest dogs, Sonia. Like many of the dogs at our shelter, Sonia will hardly get noticed by any potential adopters or new volunteers. Perhaps her age, perhaps her demeanour. She may have now found a fosterer who puts up with her daily whines at night, but Sonia too went through abandonment and several lonely years. The following is what her favourite volunteer will like to share about Sonia. -- Sonia - A familiar face in our office and one of our pioneer dogs. Owner chose to give her up when she was merely 4 years old, after going through a divorce. That’s a decade from now. Since then, she was a permanent fixture at our shelter, which became her permanent home. When I first met her at the shelter, she hardly had someone to call her own. This girl is so quiet and low profile, and she would always sit in a corner of the office. Her never-changing sorrowful face seems to express that she has never given up on waiting for her owner to return. Most people probably wouldn’t notice her unless they are regular volunteers at the shelter. Sonia really isn’t the type to ask for affection, and kept to herself mostly. At 14 years old, arthritis has been bothering Sonia for quite long and the girl only forces herself to stand up when she is around treats. Thankfully, she has found her best pals in sisters, Emma and Posh. She dotes on them like a grandmother. The sisters love to disturb her but Sonia allows them to get away with it regardless. There was once when Emma was violated by another dog in the office, Sonia dashed upfront to protect her without hesitation. Haha this so-called matriarch of the office, would surely exert her authority on the younger ones when necessary. One of the activities Sonia really looks forward towards is our weekly walk at Pasir Ris Park. Given her advanced stage heart murmur, Sonia can’t have long walks and hence, we spend most of time chilling at the park. She may be old but Sonia occasionally shows her cute side too. Some days, she would twist and turn her body with her back on the floor for minutes. I’m not sure if she is doing it because her back is itchy, but it certainly is funny to watch, and makes my day. Who says old dogs aren’t cute? Look at our Sonia with that signature grin of hers!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 14:56:52 +0000

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