Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness - TopicsExpress


Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness…” (Isaiah 5:20). It saddens and sickens me how many claiming to be Christian are supporting the Noah movie. This should not even be a discussion. Even the Muslim nations have banned this movie for its blasphemous partial of a prophet who is considered a patriarch in all three of the worlds leading religions. Makes you realize how far the American people and church have fallen and how little many of them know the Bible or their God. The movie grotesquely twist scripture in areas (something only the devil does) and straight up lies through most of it (again a demonic trait). Aronofsky who created the film is a satanist with a history of making films that cast God as evil and dark and make the devil and/or his works the hero. So its no wonder this movie cast God and Noah in such a dark manner. The Noah of this film is not the Noah of the bible who spent his life preaching repentance and trying to save mankind but rather an earth worshiper who wants every human dead including his own family. The script had him even trying to murder his own grandchildren. Aronofsky himself said This is the most unbiblical movie ever made. If you think you know what to except about this movie youre wrong. The movie promotes luciferian ideals and agendas at every level. It is highly occultic and gnostic in nature. Those with any knowledge of the occult, agenda 21, luciferianism, or just a decent discernment will see this film for what it is, purely and entirely the work of satan and nothing else. I wouldnt touch this filthy movie with a 10 ten foot pole!! Written By: Sam Hajian
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 04:53:56 +0000

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