Woke up this morning 9 minutes before my alarm went off. My bed - TopicsExpress


Woke up this morning 9 minutes before my alarm went off. My bed was cozy and warm as I stared at the minutes ticking by on the digital readout. A warm bed seemed like a good idea, exercising seemed silly. Thats that voice in all our heads, that devil inside. Just before the alarm buzzed its pre-programmed message from Yoda (ya Im nerdy like that) I stopped it to let my wife sleep and rolled on the floor. Core exercises and pushups. Ive done them a million times it seems but they felt harder this morning. All finished up I looked back at the bed and considered returning. Into the bathroom to throw on some running clothes and downstairs I go for some dynamic stretching, sneaking by my daughters bedroom so I dont wake her finding my way down in the dark. After stretching and warming up my creaky 41 year old frame I strap on the digital running coach (watch) lace up my shoes, pull on a toque and head out. All my neighbours are asleep except for the guy across the street that owns the excavating business. Whenever I see him around an early morning run I imagine he thinks Im odd looking all clad in running tights and a bright orange toque swinging my legs in the driveway for a final warmup while hanging onto the back of my wifes truck. I briefly considered returning to the house and eating a leisure breakfast. This was just a recovery jog, not crucial for training, just a means to keep blood flowing in the legs on a rest day. But off I went, motivated by something I only vaguely understand. 6.5 km today, no big deal. A relaxing pace where my breathing never really gets going hard and my legs barely register the effort. A big difference from a year ago. The city at 6am is amazing. The people that are out are heading to coffee shops as they open and retail shops to get ready for their work days. Cleaning crews and municipal workers are ending their shifts. But for the most part, the streets are deserted and the road is all mine. There is always a moisture in the air that time of day and its refreshing. Your breath pops out in a cloud in front of you even though its nice and warm. Ive been running in this neighbourhood for almost 2 years now, but lately Ive been seeing the same people over and over. The older man walking his little dog that always wears this huge fluffy knit toque. We always say hello and he always seems surprised to see me. The other jogger guy heading my way from the Hammond Bay area, we cross paths at some unpredictable point in my loop, both wearing reflective vests. I notice him as he seems fast, determined, but always gives me the wave. I do one loop around the mall through a deserted parking lot, my halfway point on an easy morning. Tomorrow is going to be harder, and yet Im looking forward to it, like this is just the movie preview for the real show. Chapters Starbucks already has a lineup of customers queuing for their Chai Tea Lattes and Americanos. Frito Lays potato chip and Wonder Bread trucks make deliveries at Walmart. The city buses are starting their days at the main bus stop, I always see them waiting at the back of the parking lot getting ready to roll up to the stops for the first time in the morning. The turnaround back home happens so fast it almost surprises me. 4km in and it seems like I just started. Back home my wife is into her morning fitness routine and my daughter is eating breakfast. I pad into the garage getting rid of most of the wet smelly sweaty stuff before running to a hot shower. I stay in as long as I can or at least until I get the warning from my wife that Ive used my share of hot water. Its ok because Im dreaming of oatmeal already and what lies ahead of me in the day. Thats a typical morning in our house. I drive my daughter to school while my wife runs off early to work. I throw camera gear in the car or head off to a coffee shop depending on what Im doing that day. If youve ever wondered where people find the time. How can they still be parents, have jobs and find time to run or workout. You just do it. The rewards are great. You schedule in the me time. Tonight my wife will run in between her work, picking up Malanya from dance (I drop her off) and going to an evening work function. Ill do a gym workout in between dance, and driving my daughter to a sleepover. Then hopefully going to watch some hockey. Fitness just fits in. You have to support your spouse. The rewards are great and living with these little moments is amazing. If I can do it, you can do it better.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 14:59:47 +0000

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