Woke up this morning and got out of bed without the turtle shell. - TopicsExpress


Woke up this morning and got out of bed without the turtle shell. Boy, what a break for Ben not having to tend me first thing of a morning. Went without the shell for 3 hours until my back told me it was time to put it on. Have worn it the rest of the day and still feel pretty good this evening. Danny came out around 9 this a.m. and put the new mattress and mattress cover on my bed and dressed the bed, all ready whenever I wanted to lay down. Then he put the new bath transfer chair together for Ben but we decided it made it even harder for Ben to get in the shower so we have eliminated it. Danny got the stuff all ready that Chad will need to get ready for the stair chair, which Chad is going to do tomorrow. Danny also washed a load of clothes that was already in the washer then put them in the dryer. I got that load out of the dryer this evening and am now finishing up another load of sheets and towels in the dryer. I managed to fix dinner for Ben and I and also washed several pair of p.j.s by hand. So, getting a few little things done around here. Now, tomorrow I would like to get several pair of p.j.s ready to hem, I have about 6 pair that are a couple of hems too long. My spirits are so much better now that I know I can work my way to no more turtle shell. I will get an early morning shower tomorrow morning which will be a pleasure. With the turtle shell, I had to leave it on while showering and of course I had to have a shirt under the shell and it would get all wet. Then off to the bedroom we would go, thick pad on the bed to keep it from getting wet. I would have to lay down flat in the bed and Ben would have to take the shell and wet shirt off then we would have to wash and rinse my front and back. Now, just soap up the bare skin, let the water run down over to rinse and... wow, all done. Isnt it interesting how you never even think about those small things in life until something happens that you cant carry on as usual. Thanks to all of you for your comments, I enjoy what each and every one has to say. Oh, I did get some really bad news today, Kelly Ludwick, listen up in case you havent received a letter, my Rheumatologist, Yvonne Hoogland, is leaving the area and going to work in Erie, Pa. That really breaks my heart because I felt she was helping me so much. There is already an appointment made for me with a Dr. Colleen Watkins who is a rheumatologist at WVU for the 11th of November so I will have to see how I like her. Why oh why, when we get a good doctor it seems they always end up leaving. Well, I had better quit rambling and get this last load of stuff out of the dryer then I am done for the evening. Good night and God bless my friends. Prayers for all. See you here tomorrow.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 23:34:57 +0000

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