Woke up to an email today telling me that one of the most - TopicsExpress


Woke up to an email today telling me that one of the most wonderful people I know had lost her husband...Sheryl, my heart and tears are with you, Lexi and Garret. You know that feeling when something sad has happened and it is with you...well I was feeling that as I boarded the plane and was looking forward to a sleep or maybe a movie. I started to look for the ear buds and couldnt find them when this lady came to sit beside me. She said hello, are you from Thunder Bay and I said yes. She then told me she really needed to talk to someone and went on to explain what had caused her trip. Out of respect for the family and because I dont know what has happened since we parted at 7pm...I wont share the details but will say that yesterday was a normal day and today she is most likely saying goodbye to a loved one. We talked for two hours (those who know me wont be surprised at that) and I learned of her family, her home country, her happiness and her sadness. In the middle she asked if I had a sibling...well on a day such as today I couldnt hold back tears in response to that question. In the middle of her sadness she gave me hope. We actually laughed, hugged and deplaned wondering if someone would be there to pick up...because we promised her a ride. Of course a caring family member was there to greet her and she introduced us and that brought more tears and hugs. A few hours ago I didnt know this lady and now my prayers and love are directed to her, her family and of course Sheryl and family. As I reflect I think of how close I came to missing this sad, but amazing connection because I might have had the ear buds in.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 02:36:19 +0000

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