Woke up too early, looked over at my wife - she was still sound - TopicsExpress


Woke up too early, looked over at my wife - she was still sound asleep (are you laughing at that Cat Williams thinking its a snoring reference...lol), so I tip-toed to my little hideaway - a small alcove I built off the kitchen surrounded by windows and just big enough for an over-stuffed recliner to watch the sunrise thru the trees. Yes, Im not in Sunset this morning. As soon as I got comfortable (needed a blanket - it is in the 50s) I heard the pitter patter of dachshund feet. Little pointy-nosed Rosie wanted to join me. So I picked her up and she settled in next to me. It felt so good, so comforting. And it made me wonder, just two years ago, when her owner (I hate that word) was slowly dying of leukemia, how often did Rosie nestle next to her and give her comfort. Last night we went to visit a friend in a small nearby town, to drink and swap stories (his were much better than mine so i had the time of my life). On the way to his house on a winding road thru the woods, the youngest deer that I ever saw close-up was standing in the road and I had to hit my brakes as I came out of the turn and saw her. Her flanks were full of soft white dots and I wondered why she was alone. And then I realized, as dangerous as it was for her to stand still there, it was equally dangerous for me. And if by agreement we both began heading on our way again. This morning as I thought about Rosie and her previous owner I thought of a real Sunset Parker - Kim Brooklyn. Kim kind of does what Rosie is doing. She brought comfort to her sister dying of ovarian cancer and now, each year she works towards a September fundraising event to help and give comfort to others. I liked the idea that the Sunset spirit is like Rosies - helping others, giving comfort. Then my mind moved on to the business of the day - civic stuff, I was thinking of my good friend Jovita Vergara-Sosa. And strangely the thought of the young deer came into my head again. Jovita has been organizing a protest rally. And she explained to me that it wasnt as much about the library not having AC as it was about Sunset Park being overlooked and disrespected through the many years. And I thought of the young deer and realized - what Jovita was saying to us all, is - dont stand still, move, move forward, take action - to stand still invites danger, invites neglect and disrespect...So today I will keep Kim & Jovita in my mind and be pleased that Sunset Park is out here with me until I come home in a few days.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 11:14:01 +0000

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