Women and men are biologically different. Yep. I can carry a - TopicsExpress


Women and men are biologically different. Yep. I can carry a child, you cannot. Theyre also psychologically different. How so? Well, clearly, here are common anecdotes from my culture. Interesting. Are those anecdotes based in real research regarding the origin of these behaviors or are they cultural and subject to the bias of the space you grew up in/live in? Theyre obvious. Really? If I provide anecdotes that contradict your anecdotes, does that make you question your conclusions? No, because I know Im right because it makes sense based on the little research Ive done on the origin of biology and how it pertains to how our brains develop, evolve and influence personality and behaviors. I see. Are you aware of other cultures that naturally have completely different patterns and habits between the genders? Are you aware that some of us, including myself, were raised outside of normal social gender pressures and do not feel or experience or perform the same attitudes or behaviors? You were brainwashed. Oh, I see. So... you are objective because it makes sense to you that your worldview conveniently matches your preference and something someone said to you once on evolutionary biology and then meshed with a weird psych theory? Look - youre completely unwilling to admit that my view is right! Youre ideologically opposed and refuse to admit reality. I am simply questioning the status quo. I am questioning the environment you and most people you know were raised in. I am asking questions and providing other information, because I dont take confirmation bias for granted, and I think there is enough substance to give weight to doubt that your assumptions about men and womens psychological differences are truly so biological in nature. You refuse to acknowledge reality! All you feminists are the same! You seriously cant handle QUESTIONING the reality that is convenient to you? You seriously cant see how there are REASONS that other people believe or behave differently? Theyre lying to themselves. They have a biological way that they are and if they ignore it, they are lying to themselves. Stepping back for a second to entertain the idea that youre right, IF they are ignoring a biological impulse, is that so wrong? I mean, biologically, youre probably supposed to kill competition for your potential mate. Biologically, youre supposed to produce as many offspring as possible, though your resources are limited and that would be unrealistic. Is it possible that your biology is not the best source for identifying whats best or even correct, either socially or for your best survival, since our biology also doesnt determine who is best anymore. The strongest and fittest and most adaptable are not always the most successful anymore. By expanding beyond our biology, we have been able to embrace successful thinkers and artists and others, not just the ones most capable of clubbing the most females to impregnate. Maybe our biology needs to catch up to our brains, and our brains are more evolved? This is all weighing on the unproved IF theyre that biologically psychologically different. You refuse to see the truth. I just asked you some questions. Why is that such a threat? Because I might expect you to be better than whats easy? Because I think you can evolve? Because it doesnt fit with your confirmation bias, despite the fact that I can provide many examples of things that dont align with your anecdotes and assumptions? I simply wish that people would not take for granted what you assume at every turn, and somehow Im the one who is brainwashed or refusing to acknowledge truth? We are biologically different. I didnt say we werent. I said I question the assumptions you make about our psychological differences, and apparently there can be no questioning of such things. How dare I try to get to the bottom of something instead of just assuming shit because someone might like it? ...yeah, so these sorts of conversations happen.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 08:20:44 +0000

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