Women are not always victim of Acid Attack. Here a Man is victim - TopicsExpress


Women are not always victim of Acid Attack. Here a Man is victim of Acid attack by a woman. read the story... My family has recently suffered an incident that has left our lives in complete turmoil: On January 23rd, 2013, my husband, Mr. Murad Amir Shah was made victim to an acid attack that was arranged by his fellow colleague Ms. Samar Pervaiz, leaving him critically injured with 25% third degree full thickness burns, that penetrated through six layers of skin, damaging his nerve ends. She arranged this attack with the aid of two others, namely Mr. Amir Bashaarat and Mr. Naveed Masseah, the former being a car cleaner/driver for the perpetrator. This attack, having been carried out in our residence has not only left me petrified, but also affected my two children (one who is four and the second a year and a half) in the most devastating way. Murad is an employee of Samba Bank Limited Pakistan. He is currently serving as a Branch Manager for the F-10 branch, Islamabad. The perpetrator and mastermind behind this attack, Ms. Samar Pervez was also an employee of Samba Bank at the time of attack, serving as a Relationship Manager at the Blue Area Branch. Ms. Samar Pervez and my husband were University fellows prior to our marriage. Ms. Samar having cultivated a fatal attraction to my husband could not fathom him having settled happily into family life and thus decided to pour out her vengeance in the most brutal of manners: Acid. A brief history of events is as follows: Given the unexpected nature of this attack, I was in a state of complete shock, and quite obviously priority demanded that my husband be attended before all else. Moreover, I am a complete novice in police dealings as this is my very first experience in such a situation, hence the FIR was registered as advised by the police. However, after having sought legal council, we made a plea before the court that the perpetrators should be tried under Article 336A and Article 336B, Criminal Law Amendment Act 2011 (act 25), in addition to the filed case FIR No: 33 under Section 324/34, P.P.C, by the Golra Sharif Police Station. This plea was granted and sections inserted for the trial to formally commence. A point to be noted here is that after being attacked, my husband himself caught one of the culprits who then led to another and finally to the mastermind behind this act. Even though arrest warrants were issued and Ms. Samar Pervez was arrested, there is no nomination of her name in the FIR. And the section mentioned in the FIR does not attract against her, therefore making bail easily accessible to her. Ms. Samar Pervez was presented in the Court of Muhammad Adnan Jamali Judicial Magistrate. on February 1, 2013. Unfortunately for us, she was granted bail on February 1, 2013, under section 497 of Cr. P.C, pleading that the case of prosecution needs further inquiry towards the guilt of the perpetrator. We, on our own, never once pointed any fingers at Ms. Samar Pervez. It was her counterparts who ratted her out. To top it all, while in police custody, Ms. Samar Pervez admitted to having masterminded the crime and paying the co-accused a sum of Rs 30,000 to carry out this heinous act. Justice is the right of every deserving human being. Unfortunately for us, our quest has been hurdled right from the starting point. The accused that were caught red handed by my husband were sent to Adyala Jail on remand without the recording of Judicial Statements, leaving their initial statements open to change in case of any manipulation by the accused party. And that is exactly what happened. The two co-accused were paid off by Ms. Samar Pervez’s family. The very men who named her as the mastermind have denied knowing her in court and in exchange were provided a lawyer along with payment of the bail bond which amounted to Rs 100,000. This bail I may add was granted in the High Court after two successive rejections in the lower courts. Why I have turned to this forum in my quest for justice lies in the fact that this is a first of its kind case in Islamabad, yet it is not getting the notice that would be appropriate in this matter. My husband is a male acid victim. I am certain this is not the turn things would have taken had the victim been female. Our society is widely suffering from a stereotypical view of acid crimes. Such crimes are associated, firstly with females being the victims and secondly amongst lower income brackets. Filling these two criteria alone ensures great media attention and pressure for justice. Despite having contacted several media agencies, we have hardly received much coverage. If such a precedent is set then this trend will not only encourage other females to do the same but will also become a part of higher income group crimes. Under the principles of human rights and gender equality men and women deserve equal rights. Only because, Murad is a male victim, while the main accused Ms. Samar Pervez is female, she is being treated leniently by the law enforcement institutions. And even after all these months of our struggle in courts and police station(s), the accused is roaming punishment free. I believe we all need to unite as a team propagating human right free of any gender bias. My plea to you all is that of assistance in bringing the people behind this barbaric violation to task. I am neither in a position to, nor do I believe in buying my way to justice as is the widely sought tool in our country. Murad and I need all our friends and family to come together as a common force to help justice find its way to us. If we have your collective support, I am certain that justice will not be far. I am ending my note with all my hopes pinned to you-our friends and family. I trust that I will not be disheartened. With Sincere Regards, Sakina Ahmed Shah https://facebook/sakina.shah.1
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 12:11:31 +0000

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