Women development top priority for Buhari and what he said on the - TopicsExpress


Women development top priority for Buhari and what he said on the office of first lady. Buhari has reaffirm to all Nigerians that women development is one of his top priority if elected president of Nigeria in Feb 14 presidential election. He stated this in one of his campaign tours across the country. In keeping to the tenets of the Nigeria constitution which did not stipulate an office of first lady, General Buhari had earlier informed in an interview that there would be no office of first lady if he emerge winner of the 2015 general election. This statement is very apt at this point in time because of the fact that the office of first lady in Nigeria has witness so much abuse by the successive first ladies since the time of Babangida administration to the current one led by Jonathan. Since its introduction, the office of first lady wields so much power to the detriment of several government institutions and has become a large conduit pipe to siphon large sums of money meant for public institutions such as ministries and other government parastatals. The present first lady has also used her office and the power she wields to interfere on governance both at federal and at states levels especially in River state. The open dispute between Gov. Rotimi Ameachi of River state and the first lady who also hail from the state is still very fresh in our memory. The first lady was using the former River state police commissioner and minister of state for education Yelson Wike to undermine the office of the governor of River state. The state was turned to a theatre of war and anarchy loomed everywhere which prompted several prominent and ordinary Nigerians to call for the redeployment of the police commissioner. The crises only subsided after the removal of the police boss. Also on an issue that clearly involve security agencies to handle, the first lady Mrs Jonathan violated protocols and throw caution to the wind when in a show of shame invited the principal of the school where over 200 Chibok girls were kidnapped including other officials from Borno state where she displayed an act that smacked of histrionics and gaffe big time that resulted in her use of the now popular slogans in Nigeria‘’the blood they are sharing in Boronu’’, ‘’na only you waka kom’’ and the other one ‘’Chai dere is God oh’’. Many embarrassing acts of the current first lady has interfered and impacted negatively on the performance of the elected and appointed government officials at federal and state levels in Nigeria. These acts has clearly demean and brought much embarrassment and ridicule to the office of first lady and therefore Nigerians were of the views that since the office of first lady is not define in the constitution it should be scrapped and not be given any undeserved attention it currently has. Buhari being a democrat and lover of the Nigeria constitution which he swore to uphold clearly read the minds of many Nigerians when he declared of recent that there would be no office of first lady if he becomes the president of Nigeria since it is not in the constitution. Therefore it becomes surprising for anyone to misconstrue the statement by General Buhari that if he wins the presidency in the February 14 general elections that women are going to be relegated to the background. Gen Buhari wife is well read and has master degree with several other postgraduate certificates and also involves in several business ventures and charity organizations could not be viewed in that negative form. The facts is that Buhari and APC have well-articulated plans and policies for the women folk in Nigeria. These plans and policies are well spelt out in the APC manifesto and it includes recognition and appointment of women by merit into various positions just like their men folk both at local, states and federal levels. According to Buhari statements, the ministry of women affairs and other similar parastatals and agencies would be strengthened to handle all issues relating to the development of women in Nigeria. Buhari and APC recognise the fact that no country can develop socially and economically without the development of women. The APC government has promised that women education would be given the desired priority in all parts of the country. There is a quotation that ‘’ if you educate a woman you educate the whole family’’. Gen Buhari wife and children both males and females are well read and therefore would want other Nigerians males and females to have the same or even better opportunity of acquiring qualitative education and personal development in their chosen careers that would assist in the development of the country as a virile nation. Mrs Aisha Buhari would complement her husband, Gen. Buhari as president if elected just as she has been doing on the home front to move the nation forward but it will be done within the ambit of the law as stipulated in the Nigerian constitution. This piece is written by Engr Haruna Ikotu, national coordinator Buhari for all campaign organization and can be reached on harunaikotu@gmail for your reactions.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 19:40:09 +0000

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