Women if you HAD to choose between one... which one would it be? - TopicsExpress


Women if you HAD to choose between one... which one would it be? Purchase a rotten banana? Or a banana that it isnt ripe yet? The wise woman would purchase the one that isnt ripe yet over the one thats already rotten. THEREFORE dear sisters with wisdom, It would be wiser to choose to build something with a single Man who still stays with his mom or a family member than a married man who stays with his wife or fiance. (I know both circumstances may not be ideal for you, but one choice is already rotten, the other choice however, can become tasteful with faith and patience. Choose wisely. To my brothers who are achievers and leaders and go getters. (Not the potato couches, lazy and complacent men) Imagine yourself as an olympic star just finishing a strenuous practice run in prep for the big stage in front of the world. Youve just finished practicing and youre thirsty; you MUST choose from 1 drink, which one would it be? A bottle of Ciroc, A Coke, or Water? The Ciroc can kill you in the state your bodys in, or definitely damage you causing you not to perform on your biggest platform- causing you to miss your destiny, the coke provides no nutrients and will make you even thirstier, but the water, though far more common nor as expensive will quench your thirst, help your muscles, refresh your mind cool you down and help you to your destiny. Thats parallel to choosing the right lady. One lady (like the Ciroc) is advertised and promoted for only party purposes, high maintenance, far more costly and will take from you each time, and is not healthy for what youre trying to accomplish in life. This woman can even stop or impair you for your destiny. She looks crystal clear like water, but entering your system its intoxicating. Dont let the buzz she creates for you to desensitize you from your destiny. The Coca cola bottle lady is curvaceous, but not refreshing and her interior is far darker. After consumption of her and a relationship youre still thirsty for more. However the water, although it may seem just average, that type of lady is a blessing, shesrefreshing, not high maintenance, she helps you clean up your life, yourself, your business. She hydrates you with her wisdom. Her support to you is a detox. Shes healthy in all states, warm, cold or hot. She knows how to adapt to almost every situation. This type of lady may come in all kinds of sizes, big, small, short, tall, but... her heart and how she aids your health is irreplaceable to any other. You get the point. Please choose wisely.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 22:08:25 +0000

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