Women in combat “It’s just fair.” Allow me two - TopicsExpress


Women in combat “It’s just fair.” Allow me two points. First, this is ground warfare we’re discussing, so realism is important. “Fair” is not part of the direct ground combat lexicon. Direct ground combat, such as experienced in the frozen tundra of Korea, the rubble of Stalingrad, or the endless 30-day jungle patrols against a grim foe in Viet Nam, is the harshest meritocracy — with the greatest consequences — there is. And psychology in warfare is germane – the force that is respected (and, yes, feared) has a distinct advantage. Will women in our infantry enhance a psychological advantage, or hinder it? Second, if it’s about fairness, why do women get a choice of whether to serve in the infantry (when men do not), and why aren’t they required to register for the draft (as men are)? It may be that we live in a society in which honest discussion of this issue, relying on facts instead of volume, is not possible. If so, our national security will fall victim to hope instead of reality. And myths be damned.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 23:12:26 +0000

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