Women’s Condition in the Dark Age of Indian 21st Century - TopicsExpress


Women’s Condition in the Dark Age of Indian 21st Century India maybe was/ is a golden bird but only in the books, which were inked mostly by fabled words . The reality is totally different and we see what media shows us. It is very difficult to even measure the atrocities that they face behind their walls. The women who are reading this, silently, also very well know what issues they face internally in their lives and many women don’t even speak about them as they silently gulp everything down due to lack of understanding that men have besides their family, friends and the so-called ‘great ’ society, which stands on baseless structure with the pillars of superficial prominence. Here are some imperative phases that many often overlook or disregard: Major Flaws of Tradition and Culture: We take pride in our tradition and culture but little do we realize that the basic foundation of Indian society is based on flaws and is totally men- oriented. Literature and art sound absurd here when they take women on peak by praising them , but if we do reality- check, then it is all futile and baseless . To improve the condition of womens in india Support us..... ------------WAKE UP INDIA--------------
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 12:23:01 +0000

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